Are summer school courses taken into consideration for UC admissions GPA?

This could make a difference so just wondering

The summer courses taken the summer before Sophomore, Junior and Senior year are considered for the UC GPA if they fulfill the a-g course requirements.

Are you talking about summer classes at say a community college? Or something else?

I just asked a similar question on another post since my D19 will take a writing class outside CA this summer. The class is not on the UC a-g official list but it will be offered at a “real” college summer program. Not sure if the class will count in her UC GPA or fill an a-g course requirement. When she completes the UC app, is it recommended for her to list the course with others that definitely fill a-g requirements or list it in the section for coursework other than a-g?

@nextone: If it is not considered an a-g course then it can be listed on the section other coursework non a-g on the UC application and it will not be included in her UC GPA calculation. If it is an on-line or taken at a CA college, then you look up if it meets an a-g course requirement here:

Gumbymom - Thank you. Sorry to seek further clarification but it could be tremendously helpful for my daughter to understand how much to stress about summer course grades versus focus on enjoying the learning with less pressure. I want to be sure I understand correctly in order to communicate to her - only colleges in the UC a-g list (your link) are counted in her UC GPA regardless if the unlisted institution is a well-known / regarded school?

@nextone: I would contact UC admissions to confirm that any OOS courses would be UC transferable. Unless the schools and online providers are listed on the link I provided, you cannot be guaranteed that the courses will be a-g courses that the UC’s will accept. General education courses are usually transferable but I would try to read the a-g course descriptions to see if the OOS school’s course description is comparable.

From the UC Website:
There is no pre-approved course list for schools outside of California. Referring to the A-G course list site (a database of UC-certified course lists in California schools) and the 15 college-preparatory course categories can provide guidance on the types of courses that have been UC-approved.

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