Do non UC transferrable courses count towards admissions UC GPA?

I am a high school student who completed a business management class through a local community college. The course is CSU transferrable but not UC. Will it still go into my high school UC GPA during admission even though it’s not UC transferrable?

Non-UC transferable courses will not count in your UC GPA calculation.

@Gumbymom how do you know if it is non-UC transferable or not? Are all UC classes taken (even if in the summer - but yes, a real class with credit) considered and then put on the UC application and assigned an “a-g”?

All courses which meet the a-g course requirements for the UC’s and CSU’s are transferable. You can look up the course here;

@Gumbymom When I go to that site, it is for HIGH SCHOOLS or community colleges. I do not see anywhere that you list a UCLA, for example, science course to see if it is a “a-g” This is where I am getting confused. I am very knowledgable about using that site for high schools to see the curriculum and what is a-g. I don’t see how in the world one looks to see how college course taken (UCLA, UCSD, etc) would be categorized as a-g based on the above website.

@hcmom65: The UCOP site is for HS and Community college only. It will not list the UC courses. Which course is being taken? Is it listed as a course requirement for a specific major at the UC’s?

My student is looking a either economics or physics to take at UCLA or UCSD over the summer. For interest only. But if they get an A, I think including it in the a-g is ideal because that will help the UC GPA. (they don’t have the 8 max credits for honors/IB through high school). They will already have all the a-g requirements so it is not for that. It is just to take a class to see if they like the subject in the college context. It will not be a community college.

My main is issue is making sure the class can be categorized as “a-g” and if not, it appears that it has to be reported under “classes taken non a-g”?? It would not be listed as a college course?

I found this on the UCSD and UCD website but it is applicable to all UC campuses;
UC courses numbered between 1 – 199 are transferable to other UC’s.

College Courses Taken While in High School and filling out the UC application:
If any college/university-level courses were completed while in high school, add the college information after the high school information. The process is very similar to entering the high school.

-Select the course(s) taken, grade earned (or enter IP for In Progress, PL for Planned courses) and the “a-g” subject area in which the course fits.
Econ would go under G and I would put Physics under D

So the college courses will be listed separately on the UC application under the Specific college.

And the grades from these courses will be calculated into their UC GPA and besides the capped weighted, UC’s also consider the Fully weighted UC GPA.

OK, so your research, confirms mine! Thank you.

@Gumbymom do you think that they could put the science class under “g” if they don’t do a lab? It appears that “G” is a catch all

If all D requirements are met, then putting it under G should be fine.