Are these 100 classes actually full?

<p>I was looking in my schedule builder and was wondering why CH101 and PHY10- (I dont remember but it was an intro class) and they couldn’t find an available class. Then I used “look up my classes” on the home page in mybama. The list going down was all 0 for rem(aining). Does this actually mean I cant take these intro level classes? Im majoring in some branch (the big 4) of engineering and I’m scared that not taking either physics/chemistry will delay my graduation…</p>

<p>No, they are not full. Openings are released each Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>An easy check is to go on MYBama, Home Tab, Look Up Classes. This permits you to look up prior semesters. You can see Fall 2013 had many more students (192 for most CH 101) whereas right now, Fall 2014 CH101 is showing approx 90 students.</p>

<p>Bama si very good about not locking kids out of required courses.</p>

<p>Thank you so much!Btw is there any stats on how many people go to each bamabound? Like how many go in june ##, ## or july## or august14/15?</p>

<p>Before you go to Bama Bound, write out your schedule as you would like it, prepare some alternate classes and times. Then when you get to Bama Bound you will find that they open slots for incoming freshmen. Now, if you still do not get into the particular section you want, you will have an alternate schedule prepared, however after Bama Bound you can still juggle your class schedule to refine it.</p>

<p>Okay thank you. Also this is out of topic, is there a “incoming freshman adviser” that could help us with choosing our classes? </p>

<p>When you write out your proposed schedule (with alternate choices), write down the CRN numbers because those are what you’d input to actually register.</p>

<p>There are “advisors” at Bama Bound. Sometimes the Avanti student representatives help out the freshman and then other times there are group advising sessions. I think each college handles it slightly differently. There is no advisor before Bama Bound, so ask your questions here on this forum, and you will likely get a quick answer.</p>

<p>Not sure about the other colleges, but undergraduate advisors for engineering are listed on their website:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@Lucie it seems those advisors help undergraduates (not incoming freshman). I tried to schedule an appointment but there was no option will faculty–only open advising. I will try to email the counselor with the corresponding last name. </p>

<p>It’s my understanding that the engineering advisors expect to confer with incoming freshmen at orientation, not before.</p>

<p>@dodgersmom, by “orientation,” do you mean Bama Bound or something later?</p>

<p>Bama Bound. The advisors do large group presentations to their alphabetical advisees, and then they’re available for individual consultations when the kids actually get on their computers to register for classes. For honors students who attend the honors-specific Bama Bound sessions, I believe there are additional honors advisors available also (earlier in the day), but I’m not sure about that.</p>



<p>Just wanted to follow up that I was told by someone who’s already attended BB that there are honors open houses scheduled at 3:45 and 4:15 on the first day of BB. I beleive registration takes place on Day 2.</p>

<p>is there way to request entry into a closed anatomy and physiology 2 lab?</p>

<p>If you’ve already registered and were not able to get a class (or lab) you want:</p>

<p>(1) Keep an eye on it over the summer to see if there’s any change. If it opens up, grab a spot!
(2) Keep an eye on it during the one-week drop/add period at the beginning of the year. If a seat opens, grab it!
(3) Contact the professor directly, and ask if he or she would be willing to authorize an override to let you into the class. (With a lab, this may not be possible.)</p>

<p>If you haven’t registered yet, wait and see what happens on your registration day. If it’s still not open, try the above. But you may be pleasantly surprised and find that it’s open by then!</p>

<p>@catinhat95 - Your advisor as well as the Head of the Department can always provide overrides. Last year a Professor for my son provided a lab override. That said, you would need a very good reason and show that you have looked at other options. I suggested drafting an e-mail first to the Professor and your advisor. Some labs may actually not have the physical space for you to work. DS received his override due to the fact no other time slot could work with 2 of his classes which only had 1 time slot each. Be polite and to the point as to why it is an issue. Even if the response is no, be polite with a response back. </p>

<p>@Longhaul‌ thank you. She ended up changing her schedule but this is good info.</p>