August BamaBound

<p>I will be attending BamaBound on the 14th of August. After hearing about classes being full, I am concerned about my later registration dates…Does this mean that I won’t be able to choose from a wider variety of classes? Will this have an effect on my major? </p>

<p>The class I asked about that is full is definitely not the type of class that most incoming freshman are going to be looking to enroll in. It is a 300 level math class. From what I understand, they reserve sections or spots for the most common freshman type classes to release for each of the various BamaBound sessions. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.</p>

<p>How about MATH 227? I have AP credits skipping MA125&6. Will this be available for an incoming freshman signing up in BamaBound?</p>

<p>Have you gone on your mybama acct and looked up classes? If you do, you’ll see rows of blank classes. I would assume those are classes that will be released. Any class that can have its pre-reqs met by an AP class I would assume would be a common freshman class considering how hard UA recruits honors students.</p>

<p>I actually do not know how to use DegreeWorks…or looking up classes for that matter. Can I please have assistance?</p>

<p>go to mybama. in the middle column there should be a link that says look up classes.</p>

<p>keep in mind that students change their schedules many times over the summer, so a particular section might be full now, but not later on.</p>

<p>also…what is your major? If it is engineering, and you are coming in with cal i and cal II credits, then even if you couldnt get cal III at a desired time, you could always skip math that fall semester and take it in the spring. You certainly would not be behind nor would it affect your major at all. </p>

<p>Wait I see how to use schedule builder. [Image of sample math227](<a href=“Imgur: The magic of the Internet”>;/a&gt;) Am I using this right? Will I be able to get a class? </p>

<p>@jesatprep My son did as M2CK stated. He skipped Math for Fall and took Calc III spring. Also, if you are engineering, Linear Alg pre-req is Cacl I and II, not III. This means you can also take Linear in Fall if Calc III fills up. Right now there is over 100 open spots for Calc III</p>

<p>@m2ck: Yes I am in engineering. I declared Mech on admission, but I feel like changing (but staying on an engineering category)
@longhaul: So is calc 3 a one semester course. I really don’t understand how these things work… </p>

<p>Thank you all for showing me about the lookup classes. I learned that there’s honors calc 3, and there’s 25 slots left. Is it likely for this to fill up? Also, am I qualified to enroll if I am in honors college? Do I register for these classes during my BamaBound? Do I “build my schedule” before BamaBound?? </p>

<p>This is so stressful :confused: </p>

<p>@Jesatprep First - Keep Calm. It is a lot of information to absorb, but the MyBama site is very easy one you work with it a bit. The Schedule Builder is new. Son found it difficult at first because it provided too many options. After working with for a bit, he now likes it. I would definitely encourage you to play with it. </p>

<p>Yes, Calc III is one semester. </p>

<p>Review the flow chart. It is a bit difficult at first to follow the lines for pre-reqs. Here is link to Mechanincal. Each major in Engineering has a different chart. Some are easier to read. <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@Jesatprep. If you haven’t seen the AP credit policy in full, here is a link. <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@longhaul: I went through this with my sister previously for only the math section of the flow chart. I have asked about Calc 3 because my sister told me to look into it since I didnt need to take MA125 & 126 (based on my AP Calculus AB score and I’m hoping to pass the BC, but I’ll be doubly sure to prepare for MA126 and change accordingly depending on my score). Thank you again for your help. </p>

<p>Note that the Honors section of Calc II (if you were to take it) is usually offered in the Spring only, not Fall…just to complicate things. You can look at past course offerings by choosing a different semester when looking up classes (in mybama - not in degree works, obviously). </p>

<p>Just curious, does anyone know specific differences between Honors Calc classes and the regular ones?</p>

<p>Smaller class size, for a start, is a huge plus. </p>

<p>@aeromom: Calc II(2)? or Calc III(3)? I’m skipping Calc2 with AP credit</p>

<p>I do mean Calc II - I based my comment on yours above which stated that you were not sure about your score yet for BC Calc. So, if you do end up having to take Calc II, then note that there is no Honors section for Calc II in the Fall, only the Spring. You can verify this by going into mybama, look up the classes, and look at previous years’ semesters. </p>