Are these classes rigorous enough? (Diploma)

Okay, so because my school is tiny and many classes are only offered during one block, I was not able to fit any IB sciences into my schedule. Here’s my schedule (I’m a junior, IB Diploma candidate):

IB HL English I
IB HL Math I / BC Calc
IB HL Spanish I
IB HL Visual Arts I
Dual Enrollment Geophysics
Creative Writing (sem) / Theory of Knowledge (sem, required for Diploma)

Are these classes rigorous enough? I guess I feel like my lack of IB science and abundance of electives makes my course load less rigorous.

(By the way, I took CP US History over the summer to create space for Band. Next year I’ll fulfill the Group 4 and 5 requirements with IB Physics SL and IB World History SL.)

One option I have is to drop Geophysics after the first semester and take AP Physics I as an online class during semester two (I’d have to work twice as fast though since it’s a year-long class, and frankly I’m not a fan of online classes. But, it would give my schedule more rigor).

What do you guys think? If it matters, I’m looking at selective liberal arts colleges like Bowdoin and Middlebury.

I think your courses are fine. They’re definitely not as rigorous as they could be because the sciences are missing. For example, I took HL chem and SL physics at the same time and it was really hard. definitely fit the science classes in there next year. HL math is a very rigorous course, so that’s good.

Thanks, I’ll definitely get an IB science in there next year. What are your thoughts on dropping dual enrollment Geophysics at the end of semester 1 to take AP Physics I online? I would have to work twice as fast to fit it into the second semester, but do you think it’s worth it to have a more rigorous science than DE geophysics? Or is AP Physics I not considered rigorous enough to be worth it? Sorry for all the questions; I really appreciate it!