Arizona State Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

You might want to reach out to Admissions to get more info on what they plan to do for OOS NMSF.

OOS NMSF are probably still quite attractive to ASU and may be given sweeteners not offered to CBNRP.

I hear you. We just cancelled our flight for our visit too. If the award comes through more than expected then we will go out and visit at that time. But we were scheduled to go on Nov 12.

Mine has been admitted to TAMU too. As a Texas resident, The net cost is now twice as much to go to ASU than TAMU with the TAMU national scholar scholarship.

What a waste of money and time! :frowning:

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Just linking CBNRP 2022 thread to make it easy to jump from one thread to the other (beginning of section about discontinuation of OOS National Scholar merit scholarship at ASU).

College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

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Ouch - that’s going to reduce the NMF crowd at ASU. I did a quick scholarship estimator - CA resident, 4.0. NMS = President’s scholarship - expected scholarship is $15,500/yr. That’s about 1/2 of my DS National Merit Scholar award.

Ouch indeed. :frowning:

Yeah, and sometime yesterday they deleted the bolded sentence that said the tool was still not updated for 2022 rates. So presumably that $15,500 is confirmed now as the 2022 rate? That will pretty much cut off their pipeline of OOS National Scholars, which in turn impacts attractiveness to OOS employers who currently recruit on campus. Barrett is a LARGE honors program, hard to sustain high caliber with only top students from one state…

I wonder if this is part of why the Barrett Dean of close to 20 years just announced a week or so ago that he is retiring? Leave before his legacy goes into decline?


That seems a fair assumption.

I suppose so, but it is also possible that ASU has data that somehow leads them to believe that the impact will be limited. They have risen through the ranks over the last twenty years and they may feel that half-tuition is still a compelling deal?


You might be interested by the ASU Next Generation Service Corps program mentioned by @martinezcs at College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

Next Generation Service Corps | Public Service Academy | ASU

ASU Next Generation Service Corps | ASU Scholarships

Another Texas family here cancelling a trip to ASU in November (My son is a CBNRP - Hispanic). Our high school hosted a college fair last week, so I asked the ASU rep when to expect scholarship info (my son was already accepted; was working on his Barrett app). She told me about the changes; that they decided it wasn’t fair to the kids who were not able to take the PSAT. I don’t agree because College Board gave the AP option, but it is what it is… so when we heard his max award would be only $15,500, really no point. It wasn’t my son’s top pick anyway, and I’m glad we found out now than later. He won’t be finishing the Barrett app. We then approached the U of Arizona booth. He received $30k with his acceptance there; and she told me that it is a sure thing and that his Hispanic Scholar recognition would be an additional $3k, and it will show up soon. He’s auto admit into their Honors program; she said that notification will come later as well - I think she said December / Jan. Now, I had my other son with me ('24) and she made a point to tell me that U of Ariz is going to change their scholarship matrix next year, so starting with '23 high school grads so I shouldn’t expect my younger son to get anything like the scholarships my '22 grad received!! So any of you with '23 and younger - be aware!


Wow. That is good for people to know about UofA planning to change theirs too. We considered UofA but they don’t have a strong animation program option. Also my daughter was only considering ASU because we have family in the Tempe area, otherwise she wants to be closer to home in Texas. If she had a different major and she didn’t mind being further from family we would definitely consider UofA this year. Also, My daughter had already finished and submitted her Barrett app. It is showing in review now. :woman_shrugging: It’s between SMU(pending big enough scholarship offer in spring) for art/creative computing and TAMU for visualization now for my daughter. We were excited because ASU has a new BFA in animation program that looks really good.

Could you also link or cross post this to the NHRP thread if you haven’t already? About UofA?

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So, my kid isn’t NM, but there is something about the timing here that makes me uncomfortable. ASU could have announced this change over the summer, but instead they continued to push kids to apply early and waited to publish this new NM aid amount until after many people had spent money on applying. This is a big change to a long-standing merit program, and I don’t think that a vague sentence on the website saying that their tool wasn’t updated makes up for that.


Exactly! And the tool was available in September when we applied to ASU and it estimated our total cost to be $17,000-at the time of application and it was still showing that when she was accepted. Comparable to our cost for TAMU. It wasn’t until mid October that they changed all the info on the website and noted that the tool was being updated. Then they released the updated tool and we tried it and now it is showing our cost to be over $31,000 (Plus Barrett fees). They should have updated all of that before they started accepting applications for admission. Of course I know it is just an “estimator” and they hadn’t actually awarded her anything yet but it was misleading.


Yes, I agree!!!


Thanks, we have an Arizona trip later this month where we mapped out visiting both UofA and ASU. We will now simplify the itinerary and will spend some time exploring greater Tucson (nature hiking, etc.) after visiting UofA only, so that our daughter doesn’t become any more attached to a program we can no longer cost justify… Because Barrett was definitely a clear front-runner in our case heading into this process.

Too bad we wasted the $ on ASU application in early July, and she burned the time and mental energy completing the full Barrett application (which is now ‘in review’). Time better spent on other merit leads, but I guess that is all part of chasing sometimes-elusive ‘sure bet’ merit awards!

Best to all others, and regardless of any final decisions any of our students make, UofA Honors will for sure get their strongest OOS incoming class ever this year given ASU’s sudden change. Also, in case this is not on your radar, UofA’s Honors College will continue it’s upward trajectory next few years with this huge naming gift:


Well, the hits keep coming here. I have an S22 and D24. S22 was accepted to ASU in July and submitted his application to Barrett. He is a NMSF. He applied to ASU because of the scholarships. We feel this is a bit of a bait a switch. D24 was also interest in Arizona. It is shame to hear that it will likely not be an option.

We had planned a trip to Arizona in March centered on touring these universities and visiting National Parks. We will not be going. Oh well.

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It should be noted that prior to the pandemic, the scholarship matrix from University of Arizona included both a GPA and a standardized test score (SAT or ACT) component.

The top award required a perfect GPA and a perfect standardized test score. In that regard, this year is great for students that have a great GPA but only a so-so standardized test score (or no test score at all). It seems logical to expect a return of a formula that does not just rely on the GPA down the road.

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My '22 had both the GPA and test score; in fact his ACT would have earned him the full $35k on the prior matrix; he’s only getting $30k with this year’s table since they took test score off. The impression I had from her is regardless of whether test score comes back or not, the size of the U of Ariz OOS scholarships would significantly decrease starting with '23.


Thanks for the info.