Arizona State Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

How did you get the $30k from the estimator? I tried and entered maximum in everything - full years of study in all subjects, #2 in rank (I wanted to enter 1 but the slider can only do 2), 1600 SAT, OOS, and checked national scholar checkbox. Yet I got $15,500 in President Scholarship. It seems like $15,500 is the max amount for OOS?

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Sorry I just found you were talking about U of ariz. I was using ASU estimator.

To all - I just spoke to an ASU Barrett staff member. My oldest DS previously worked for them when he was at Barrett. They let me know that the change is a University change - not Barrett. The change is very recent. It sounds like they may revisit it in the Spring to see how it impacts admissions/acceptance rates.

The facts as they stand today - OOS NMF will still get a scholarship, just not full tuition. The award can be stacked with other ASU scholarships, like Gammage. But, that means more applications.

If money, or lack of financial aid, is the reason you would not go to ASU/Barrett, I encourage you to share that with any admissions contacts you have. If you don’t have one, I encourage you to reach out. Your message needs to get to the University level staff that made this decision. NO guarantee that anything will change, but if you plan to vote with your feet - they need to know. If you are cancelling trips because of this development, let them know that too.

@joelatte , @martinezcs , @Peruna1998 @Scoobs1998 @lizcol


I just emailed the admissions rep in our region. Hope they care!


I will email them. She has been admitted and Barrett app is in review. We have not declined and will not until all offers are final in the spring. Expect to make final decision in April once all complete offers are in hand.
Update: I emailed our regional admissions rep.


Expressed concerns about OOS changes, got this back as response:

"Unfortunately, we no longer offer full-tuition scholarships for National Scholars. Our top scholarship is now the President’s award which is that $15,500 per year scholarship.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. "

I sense that is the response they have to give for now. The staff member I spoke with is hopeful they will reconsider this policy. You can also reach out to Barrett admissions staff directly. I found an email directory at one point. If all fails, send a note to . I feel it is totally acceptable to express disappointment at the policy change and the impact on your student’s potential matriculation.

Is the Regional person in Tempe? I forget how they are organized. As I mentioned in another note, feel free to be frank - let them know how you feel about the change and policy and its impact on whether your student would attend at that price or not.

covered that in my original note: “This would be a major disappointment since Barrett was a top consideration for , but the increased cost will push us out of consideration.”

I also put her stats (including 4.0 AZ calculated GPA), so it was clear this is a top applicant.

Her application is currently under review in the Barrett process. I’ll consider reaching out once decision rendered, although she already has moved on (due to me letting her know the scholarship changed a few days ago).


We sent a similar email to the Texas regional coordinator in admission services. He is located in Tempe.


@usma87 @joelatte
I had noted in my email to our regional coordinator to please forward it to anyone who would be interested in our feedback about the change to the National Scholar Program. Also by the way my husband and I are originally from Arizona and are ASU alumni which I was sure to mention. Anyway the person I sent it to did forward it on and I did receive a response from a person in charge of strategic recruitment initiatives. Here is part…
We genuinely appreciate the feedback regarding the change to the non-resident National Scholar award at ASU. Before making your final decision, in addition to the financial aid notification that your daughter should be receiving in December, please join us for the ASU Scholar Experience to learn more about ASU’s resources and support for National Scholars. This includes a funding session, which may help you to discern additional opportunities for funding that your daughter has available to her at ASU and within Barrett, the Honors College.

So we may attend the ASU scholar experience zoom meeting to see what they have to say about funding.


So my daughter was accepted to Barrett Honors College today. We had been eagerly awaiting this but now that the scholarship has been cut in half it’s a bit of a bittersweet acceptance.


Well, congratulations to your daughter anyway!


The fin aid is a bummer. They do stack, so if you qualify for other aid, it may help. Depending on other acceptances, ASU is still strong. As Alumni, there is scholarship for legacy too.


Congratulations! :partying_face: I hope your daughter can attend Barrett and her dream program. My daughter applied, but still waiting for admission.

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My daughter got into Barrett too! Same feeling as you!


Thank you for all your insights. My daughter was also accepted at Barrett and we will participate in the ASU Scholar Experience as well. Unfortunately, if additional funding is not forthcoming, ASU will not be part of our future.


Don’t forget about the Gammage scholarship, and check out the ASU Next Generation Service Corps program and associated scholarship.

See Arizona State Class of 2026 - Colleges and Universities A-Z / Arizona State University - College Confidential Forums

and Arizona State Class of 2026 - Colleges and Universities A-Z / Arizona State University - College Confidential Forums


Thank you. The Gammage scholarship would certainly help, but even if she were to receive it, ASU would cost significantly more than UConn, our in-state (and higher ranked) option. If we receive any merit aid from UConn, the differential will be even greater. UConn at full price would be a financial stretch and I really can’t justify paying a premium plus the additional travel expenses for ASU. We are actively looking at other options, which is sad given that my daughter had her heart set on ASU and Barrett.

My concern with the NGSC is that it would not be a voluntary activity, but rather a requirement for her (since she would depend on the scholarship in order to continue attendance). We are still discussing the NGSC option, but it is a significant commitment of time and energy.


S22 has been admitted to Barrett. He is a NMSF and likely NMF. Given the drastic change in scholarships at ASU, he has lost all interest in this university.