Arizona State Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

I’d love to hear about it since we haven’t visited. He is in w 35k scholarship and waiting on honors. Can you send me a dm?


My daughter applied via Common App and the school downloaded her application November 9. She hasn’t heard anything yet, should we be worried? Seems like most people have gotten their acceptances very early. On the flip side she applied to CSU San Marcos November 13 and got accepted before CSU apps even closed!

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My D applied a little after that date and received her acceptance on Wed. We weren’t aware of the drastic merit aid cut so at this point ASU is probably unlikely for us.

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did you apply separately for the scholarship?

Rando opened the MyASU site to look at reserving housing. Boom - confetti and admission!


Is there any use in taking the Feb ACT and trying to see if that will up the current scholarship offer? 8k “University Award” though the scholarship estimator shows 10k Deans award for oos

I’m not sure if it will get revised, as I haven’t sent official ACT transcript yet. Got a 30 my first time, and I think can up it to a 32 atleast.

Thanks for your time.

Use the scholarship estimator tool on the ASU website with a higher act score and see what it says. I thought it was based more on GPA.

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ASU scholarships are based on both GPA and standardized test scores. A tip-top SAT or ACT score paired with a so-so GPA can lead to a half tuition scholarship for OOS students.


From the ASU website:

  • The actual scholarship award will be based upon your official academic credentials at the time of your admission to ASU.
  • If you do not have ACT or SAT test scores, you can now qualify for ASU’s New American University Scholarship based on GPA and high school core competencies.
  • Test scores will be accepted for upgraded award consideration. ASU must receive test scores by May 1 in order for you to be considered.

So…that is confusing.


No. It came automatically from college

Thank you all so much for the quick responses. The wording here regarding May 1st makes me think that this is doable, so going for it!

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Daughter just received an email today with $10,000 scholarship.

Test optional.


Are you in state? We’ve been looking the Scholarship Estimator for a year now and it always said $10k for our daughters stats, now it says $8k. (?)

Yes. It’s gone down!!! Super annoying. UA beat the $$$.

I don’t get the sense that ASU has run into financial difficulties recently, especially since their endowment had a strong gain in the last year.

it appears that attracting top undergraduate candidates is not as high of a priority as it was even last year…


So the President’s Scholarship decreased $2k and the Barrett fee doubled to $2k? Then add the premium (mandatory) for Barrett housing and meals? Ouch.

This is a top choice in state for my daughter, but is now one of the most expensive - and that includes OOS options with much higher merit scholarships and higher rankings.

Plus the dean who shaped Barrett into the success it is today is retiring after 20 years. Buyer beware!

Yes. It’s really disappointing. In state isn’t a first choice anyway but agree now even less appealing. I think it’s a solid program
But they are getting a bit ahead of themselves I think. That have over 80% acceptance rate and the grad rate isn’t great.