Arizona State Admissions Fall 2022 - Class of 2026

In state here - and waiting on Barrett but the instate merit seems lower than before, also. Id have to look but I know when my son was looking they had a top award of 10k for instate and now the highest seems to be 8k. this is definitely less than the merit UA offers to instate. Also agree it makes it less attractive and was surprised by this.


OOS S22 (who is NMSF and likley NMF) has been admitted to Barrett and awarded $15,500.00/year scholarship. He doesn’t care. He feels like this was a huge bait and switch and is focusing on other universities.


My S22 was high on Arizona State, but the lack of a full-tuition scholarship for NMSF (which was the whole reason it was on our list in the first place) has pushed it into the second-tier.


D accepted, OOS/NJ. ACT was submitted. Good luck!


When did you apply?

My kid received an email with the $15,5000 scholarship. OOS, not NM. Still waiting on Barrett decision.


Accepted Computer science in engineering school with 13k scholarship. international


Is the merit aid based on major ? The provost award came as 12k for CS. OOS.

I think it is based on GPA. My daughter received the Presidents award $15,500 with a 4.0 OOS

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Awards for ASU’s ‘New American University Scholarship’ are based upon GPA and how many ‘high school core competencies’ (English, lab science, math, etc.) classes have been completed

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DD received $15,500 President’s Award but didn’t submit Barrett application until after the EA deadline. She applied to ASU because of the reputation of Barrett but also because we were expecting more merit award. If she is accepted to Barrett will there be more? If it’s not cheaper than our state flagship UW Seattle I can’t imagine why she’d consider ASU instead…if she gets in to UW that is…


We attended the financial aid/scholarship zoom meeting recently to see if there would be more $$. There is a competitive scholarship for Barrett students for $4,000.

We crossed ASU off the list because they decreased the out of state scholarship from full tuition to partial tuition to OOS national scholars this year. My daughter has been accepted to ASU and Barrett already. She is not planning to enroll now unless by some miracle she receives more $$ from them.


P.S. Same as you. She will likely just go to our flagship school now. Texas A&M. Where she has been accepted and has a scholarship too- half of the in state tuition.

Our net cost was going to be comparable with the scholarship ASU used to offer national scholars but with the change it would cost us much more to send her to ASU now.

My husband and I both went to ASU so we are disappointed.


That is disappointing! Texas A&M a great school though, I’m sure she’ll thrive there :slight_smile:


We are also OOS and she was all set on Barrett (as National Scholar) after visiting last April (fell in love with it even despite lockdown limitations). Then we had the surprise change to scholarship amounts for this year, so ASU crossed off our list.

Fortunately my daughter is super excited about the W A Franke Honors College at University of Arizona after a visit last month, and they have offered her an amount just over full tuition based on grades and National Scholar. Happy ending.


My DD didn’t apply to University of Arizona but maybe she should just in case she’s not accepted to our flagship…although she’s done w/apps otherwise so not sure she’d go for that idea :wink:


Yes, app fatigue is very real and understandable. The whole process is quite a beat down. We are done chasing new leads as well.


I can appreciate this - my S22 had ASU and Barrett in his top-two right up until the realization that NMF’s wouldn’t get full-tuition scholarships. He actually just found out he got into Barrett, but it’s anti-climactic as it’s now out of our price range. I’m sure we’re not alone.

My oldest liked the University of Arizona but decided ultimately to stay closer to home (we live in the upper midwest), but it held no interest for my son even with the great scholarship offer.


No. It is simply based on GPA and standardized test score (SAT or ACT).
