<p>I'm really interested in studying art history and Italian, I want to spend at least a semester (but a year would be better) living in Italy. I'm already apllying to Bryn Mawr, etc, and Vanderbilt & Chapel Hill because my mother wants me too. Bryn Mawr is definitely my first choice, but unfortunately Italian's not that big there and the study abroad program is only for the summer. Please help me, its the home stretch and I need somewhere else to apply.</p>
<p>Black female from Charlotte, NC
3.87 w, 3.0 uw
1310 SAT (720 v, 590 m) I'm taking it again
I'll be taking the next ACT
IB Diploma Candidate (4 years of IB math, english, history, spanish; 3 years IB chem; 1 year IB Bio; IB psych SL; TOK)
AP European History this year
82/503 at a very competitive high school (top 16%)</p>
4 years in award-winning choirs
community service
mock trial
National Fine Arts Honor Society
National Spanish Honor Society</p>
<p>I can guaruntee glowing recs and a pretty good essay.</p>
<p>curlinterrupted, Williams is by far one of the best small colleges for Art History. There are several world class museums on or near campus and teaching is "handson." Take a look at their website for a description of the department and a list of course offerings. Many of the curators of top museums in America are Williams graduates to the extent that they call them the "Williams mafia. "</p>
<p>Your overall scores, grades and ECs are within range for Williams. (Even though your total SAT is on the low side your verbal is very high.) I think they would be very interested in you, but you really need to visit to be sure that you'd like the environment. It's in a fairly isolated but beautiful place. My son is there and loves it, but it's not for everyone.</p>
<p>They offer Italian mostly for the same reason that you are interested in it, to facilitate study abroad to Italy.</p>
<p>Study abroad programs are difficult to understand. Colleges have their own programs and they also offer access to independent programs and programs run by other colleges. Under this arrangement, Williams lists quite a few options for Italy. You can look at their website under study abroad. I imagine the same is true of Bryn Mawr.</p>
<p>Smith is also offers good art history plus they have their own JYA program in Italy.</p>
<p>I've heard that Williams has one of the worst romance language departments in all of the prestigious LACs though...that's what eliminated them in the first place...</p>
<p>My daughter also has art history and Italian among her interests, and her list includes: Smith, Vassar, Dickinson (PA), Trinity and Conecticut Colleges in CT, and Wesleyan. I think Trinity especially has a good Italian program, and even their own campus in Rome.</p>
<p>Admittedly language is not Williams prime draw; however, their overall academic strengths are so great as to compensate. Many, many students double major in a language plus another discipline. If you're sincerely interested in art history you shouldn't eliminate Williams on what you "hear." Visit, see the museums, talk to students in language programs then make up your mind.</p>
<p>In addition to the excellent list provided by Mom55, you could add Skidmore and Hamilton.</p>
<p>indiana university is also good for foreign languages. dunno about art history though. if the school doesnt offer the kind of study abroad program you are looking for, you could always opt for third-party study abroad programs through different universities or organizations. ciao.</p>
<p>Italian and art history are huge at Smith (Italian is virtually non-existent at Williams, my alma mater. One cannot compensate for lack of good language instruction - inquire how many Williams students have spent a year in Italy over the past decade.). Smith even has a graduate program in Italian. It has the longest standing JYA program in Italy (in Florence) of any college in the country, and financial aid follows the student. They pay for everything, including air fare, excursions, and vacation travel. And unlike many Italian JYA programs, they require two years of language prior to attending, plus a course in Italian stylistics. They expect students to speak only Italian while there. (My d. is planning on it.) Year round, there are Italian movies, discussion groups, and Italian dinners prepared by the faculty (my d. went to one last week.)</p>