Artistic acceptances MT/Acting class of 2026

Thank you for the nudge. Kiddo is releasing Emerson & Chapman tonight! :heart:


i’ve never been talking on this thread but I’ve been silently stalking it the past few months and it’s been so helpful, thanks to everyone who released info regarding decisions dates and such. :))

i applied to 13 schools and so happy the wait is finally over and the all my results are here:

manhattan school of music
roosevelt CCPA
point park

marymount manhattan

pace (passed prescreen though which was nice!)

didn’t pass prescreen:
carnegie mellon
u mich

already committed to one but I’ll wait til the final decisions thread comes out to share my experience and decision, yay!


may i ask if your kiddo is son or daughter since i have a daughter in several of those waitlists!!! and congratulations!!


Thank you! We’ll do visits and I’ll let you know!

hi!! does anyone have information or experience (or know someone who does) with ucla’s MT program?

I would love info on Ohio U too!

Let me know what you think or if you get any info on Ohio U. My daughter was also accepted to MT.

Hope things move for you! :crossed_fingers:

(kinda long - sorry!)
SO. Everyone told me “she’ll land where she’s supposed to be” and I just wasn’t seeing it happening. Frankly, I was getting extremely anxious over the whole thing. Then, my daughter was accepted to the musical theatre Foundation Programme at Institute of the Arts Barcelona, and bam. I knew and she knew - it was the right placement for her and a perfect fit!

My girl is a very young HS senior - will still be 17 when she heads off in August (September now). What I saw her lacking as we went through this process was that confidence in her knowledge of who she is as a person and particularly as a performer, that the BFA programs are looking to see. It was difficult for her to answer the question - why me? What makes me different from the next petite blonde girl with equal talent/experience/etc.? She was having trouble conveying it through her audition pieces (probably not the right pieces, but that’s another post).

In the end, she had some great offers (LIU Post, Manhattanville, AMDA), but none were exactly what she wanted - none felt like that mythical “fit”. Then this IAB acceptance came (she auditioned for the 3-year BA program). We didn’t even know it existed. The Foundation year is an auditioned one-year/two semester, intensive training program at IAB to prepare performers for continued study either at their BA program or another BFA/BA somewhere else. Apparently, many EU applicants apply directly to this program and then to the 3-year BA program so they can get 4 total years of training. We didn’t even know the Foundation year existed!

I view this as basically a working gap year, which is perfect for her. Commitment for one year, study abroad, sink or swim, amazing training, life lessons (won’t be easy!). We’re trying to defer either LIU Post or Manhattanville just to keep the doors open if she is ready for the good ole USA after a year in Spain. Then she wouldn’t HAVE to re-audition. But, if she wants to come back stateside but to someplace different, then she can re-audition at her select few with a lot more experience and (hopefully) confidence under her belt.

I feel the HUGEST sense of relief over this - at least until it’s time to leave my baby girl in Spain for a few months!!!

Good luck to everyone as you go through these agonizing final days! Now, to figure out that student visa process . . . and find a roommate in Spain . . . and book tickets . . . YAY!


That sounds fantastic! Congrats to your daughter. In 12 months she’ll know if she really wants to do this. That’s actually a big thing as I see a meaningful amount of kids realize this isn’t for them when they see the work schedule and the talent level once they get in these BFA programs. It’s a grind and many are not prepared for that.


Thanks for that - it’s precisely what I’m thinking! She’s fairly well-rounded, so my hope is this will be the perfect opportunity for her to decide whether it’s THIS particular side to her that she wants to pursue 100% (even though she THINKS as a 17-year-old that duh - of course it is!). She’s so young - but don’t you DARE tell her I said that! :wink:

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I asked same question few weeks back. One person replied….I’ll go back and look for info. I’m also trying to get as much info as possible

NYU was my last decision, so here’s an update!
I am not a MT major, I only applied for Acting/Theatre Majors

Schools Applied:

  • American
  • Azusa Pacific
  • Chapman
  • Emerson
  • Fordham
  • MMC
  • Northeastern
  • NYU
  • Pace
  • Rider
  • SDSU
  • UCLA
  • Other UCs and Non Audition schools

Prescreens Passed:
(Basically All) specifically Azusa, Chapman, Fordham, Pace, SDSU

Audition: American, Azusa Pacific, Chapman, Fordham, MMC, NYU(committing!!), Pace, Rider, SDSU

Non-Audition: Muhlenberg, UCR, UCSC

Emerson, UCI, UCSD


Skidmore (Non-Audition), UCLA, Northeastern, UCSB

That’s a wrap on my college auditions for this year :)! So excited!



Naz has a new head of the dept. and a new dance instructor that is awesome.

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yes Christine is fabulous!!!

I have been following this thread and it has helped ease my anxiety so much. It is so good to know that I am not the only mom on pins and needles over all of this. Now that final results are out, I thought that I would share the for any that are looking for a spot.
My son is going for his BFA in Acting.

Ithaca (will release)
AMDA (released)
The New School (probable choice)

Fordham (he is really hoping for this also)
Tisch (this is his top choice right now and really hoping)

Didn’t make it past 1st round at Juilliard (this was his dream since 6th grade and a hard blow, but we prevailed!)
Never heard anything at all from Syracuse after application (I feel like something didn’t go through right)

Thank you everyone for your posts!!


Has anyone else not received a decision from Fordham? I thought the decisions came out on a rolling basis but today at the latest!

All the cards are on the table. Would love advice on D22’s options. She wanted an Acting program at an academically rigorous college (hence the BA apps) and is also interested in music theatre composition and sketch comedy/improv. Loves musicals but limited belt and light head, so focusing on Acting. May double major in music.

UMD (school of music for violin performance)

Waitlisted: MIddlebury

Rejected: Williams, UMich, Princeton, Yale

She is definitely a deep thinker, and all these schools will be great for that. But, are there any industry advantages to some of them? She would like to try to work before using that academic cred to go to law school. Hahaha.

We know the obvious stuff – alums, open curriculum, course offerings, proximity to certain towns/opportunities (NYC/Chicago). But, what do you think is special about any of these programs that might suggest this is the place? Or, conversely, what caution would you share?



All those are amazing…what a choice to have!! I will say that my sibling went to Vassar in the 90s and all friends were film majors and have all had successful careers since. Several are in the comedy field and they all got an amazing education and made a tight network. I have also seen in Playbills a few amazing performers from Brown. Gosh…I have no idea what we would do in your situation, but I’d probably let finances be the guide because you can’t go wrong!