Asian Actor For UC's and Ivies...I'll Chance Back!

<p>GPA: Grades 9-12
UW - 3.90
W - 4.32
Grades 10-11
UW - 3.95
W - 4.59</p>

<p>SAT: 2240 (800 M, 770 CR, 670 W)
SAT II: 770 (Chinese), 750 (US History), 750 (IIC)</p>

Counselor - know her very, very well. I give her Christmas presents, she sends me Christmas cards, I talk to her about life every couple of weeks. Awesome person.
Teacher 1 - same as above
Teacher 2 - don't quite know her as well as those other two awesome peeps, but we're pretty close.</p>

Who the hell knows? I spent a lot of time on them (like, at least 20-30 hours of writing/editing for each of my three main ones), but it's so subjective.</p>

Harvard one went awesome, the person and I ended up talking for two hours about everything. Turns out she's in the entertainment biz and really liked what I was doing with acting!
Yale and Princeton were average...</p>

Acting - accepted into a prestigious acting academy, YouTube filmmaker, tons of award-winning short films
Boy Scouts - Eagle Scout
Rubik's Cube - featured in a documentary about the Rubik's cube and also narrated it, placed in a few competitions
Basketball - captain freshman and sophomore years
The Project Green - founder and President of this grassroots environmental organization
Constitution Team - member of a highly-regarded government team on campus</p>

ACCA - member of this cultural organization (400 hours)
Books For Third World - member of this volunteer organization (300 hours)
2008 Presidential Election Pollworker</p>

LEAD SBI at Dartmouth - attended one of the most prestigious summer business programs last summer and won both competitions
Wen Wei Po - wrote two articles on the economoy + election for this Chinese newspaper
PTSA Reflections Contest - winner in my district for the literature section</p>

Model for Hollister (not a real model, I work in the store, but my title is "model")
YouTube Partner - making money for my videos
Assistant Manager at an online company - almost two years
Legal Intern - for a legal office</p>

Stanford - rejected EA
UC Berkeley

<p>Yes, I applied to fourteen effing schools. Yes, it was hell. No, I don't know why I did it. Dartmouth is my number one. I know I should have researched them thoroughly, but I'm very indecisive and I wanted to know my options before I eliminated any. And I still don't know exactly where I'm gonna go. I can deal with it. Relax.</p>

<p>No legacy except for USC
Asian-American, male
Competitive HS with 3600+ students
Doesn't rank, but somewhere within top 5% of a 900 member senior class that sends a lot to the elite schools every year, and a ton to Berkeley/LA/SC</p>

<p>I will chance you back! Thanks in advance! Happy Christmas!</p>

<p>Any likely letters?</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I forgot.
UCSB = Regent’s Scholarship
UCSD = in, probably with a Scholarship</p>

<p>I think you are probably in at all except maybe Harvard and Yale which are reaches for anyone. Also, why would you want to go to Duke?? haha</p>

<p>Chance me for Carolina?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There aren’t a lot of Asian actors. I think you will do well. And your stats and ecs sound great. Good luck!</p>