"Asian" in Chance Me and similar threads

If the Supreme Court declares Affirmative Action is illegal, all schools will be race blind.

They can try to indirectly increase diversity the way California is trying to do it - eliminate standardized testing altogether (Asians score the highest on standardized tests).


Sorry, is this vector in service to the thread topic of how to respond to Asian Chance Me’s?

SCOTUS’s decision in Harvard and UNC likely wont be handed down until Spring 2023. Things can definitely change.

I am focused on today, however, and particularly this admissions season. I don’t think the SCOTUS cases will be decided before this season ends.

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I don’t think so. I think the odds of admission are extremely long for everyone. It is not because an applicant is “Asian.” It is because there are way too many extremely qualified students than there are spaces.


Let’s be careful on Affirmative Action discussion, which is limited to one thread, and this isn’t it.


Why dont we just tell all the Asian kids who create these Chance Me threads that your chances are just low and your belief that you are at a disadvantage is unfounded and completely untrue.

Your college counselors are wrong. Your family is wrong. Your peers are wrong. This is all a myth.

Here’s the thing: Asian parents dont believe it’s wrong, Asian students dont believe it’s wrong and the people who are trying to convince all the Asian parents they are incorrect is, surprise - mostly not Asian.


Can we be careful about generalizing? I don’t know if “mostly” is meant as 95% or 80% or whatever. But I suspect it is a wrong assumption.

And what we have been discussing is trying to help lift up the students. I think that is admirable.

Isn’t that finally the point?: if you’re unhooked, all things being equal, anyone’s chance is low.

Am I missing something?


Isn’t it possible to simply respond to the Chance Me thread as with any other unhooked applicant, rather than getting into this stuff?


No. You are 100% correct. Im not sure what these students and families were thinking.

Yes. But then why is this even a thread? Why even have discussions about it.

Just tell them they are unhooked and the chances are low. Problem solved.

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I don’t understand how reinforcing questionable stereotypes would help these students with their admission decisions.

Assume an Asian American in California with solid stats but no hooks or special circumstances starts a “chance me” thread about UCLA and UCB . . . I assume we’d be encouraging and supportive, but emphasize that their chances extremely low to either school that there are many more qualified students than spots.

If the same student then asked about a comparably rejective school outside of California, I don’t see the justification for giving different advice. Do you? If so, what is the justification?


You are literally dismissing self identified CC Asian posters that everything they, their friends and families have experienced is incorrect when you can’t prove they are incorrect.


That’s certainly not my intent, and I apologize if it seemed it was. I feel horrible when extraordinarily bright and hard working kids get disappointed in admissions. My sense, though, is that it is really hard to understand for certain why a certain student might get rejected, and I’m not sure it makes sense to assume intentional racial prejudice as the default. I used to think it was, but as I have looked into more I have doubts, for a host for reasons. But I am willing to consider any such evidence.

As to my question to you, how would your advice be different for UCLA vs. a comparably rejective school that wasn’t “race blind?” And why?

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Can you help us with suggestions of what you WOULD say to these posters?

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If I tell you what I really think, wont you and several other people just tell me Im incorrect or continue to ask why I think that way or should justify my opinions?

It’s pretty self evident what is happening here.


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Might I remind members of the forum rules:

“College Confidential forums exist to discuss college admission and other topics of interest. It is not a place for contentious debate. If you find yourself repeating talking points, it might be time to step away and do something else… If a thread starts to get heated, it might be closed or heavily moderated.”

I am putting on slow mode for now


The thread took a little bit of a turn. We’re all entitled to our opinions. As for me, I will continue to not comment on the chance me threads unless someone explicitly says that a fabulous SAT score, or grades, or extracurriculars is not good enough for “an Asian”. As a family in a majority Asian school district I will continue to support and encourage the students i interact with and try to change minds about the “Ivy, T10 or bust” mindset that I think is insidious and does not benefit anyone. I have appreciated reading everyone’s thoughts.


I agree. Additionally I will ask the student if they would consider SLACs (depending on major, etc) as many are actively working to increase diversity. They have a hook there in other words.


Would you be willing to share your rationale about this? Is it true even if the student doesn’t have the “Ivy, T10 or bust” mindset? Do you feel the same way about Match Me threads?