<p>How is the pharmacy program?</p>
<p>@Dc2013 The scholarship agreement contract says that you have until May 1 to accept and return the contract, but I have a friend who returned it a bit later than that and was still awarded the scholarship. Of course with Howard’s A building it was hard for him to get in contact with the right person to speak with about the matter, but he eventually did. I wouldn’t recommend waiting until after the deadline to send on the contract because its like digging into a card filled hat with the A building, but at the same time, most scholarship recipients make the school better (or thats what the school perceives anyway lol) so they probably will work with you. Just call them, and I wish you luck with that lol.</p>
<p>P.S. They don’t give your scholarship away to anyone else. If someone didn’t qualify for the scholarship because of too low of a gpa he or she wouldn’t be reconsidered just because people denied their scholarships. Like I said before the scholarship is yours until May 1 (unless of course you speak to someone).</p>
<p>May 1st is national signing day so for most of your colleges this will be the last day to commit.</p>
<p>Sorry we dont know anything about the pharmacy school; I’m engineering and he’s business haha</p>