Ask a current student anything and get honest answers

<p>Crazed-where on Long Island are you? My S is at UM and we're from LI too. </p>

<p>We use American Airlines from LaGuardia to Miami and S takes the super shuttle to campus. Has worked out well.</p>

<p>How hard is it to transfer schools? applied Business, now wanting Music Industry in Frost.</p>

<p>LilyMoon and Mets#1:</p>

<p>We are from St. James/Smithtown (between Commack/Kings Park and StonyBrook) Where are you? </p>

<p>Mets- We are Yankee fans, but that's OK. You and my son should talk. Will you be in the marching band? Very cool. My son is a big college sports fan so he'll be at every game! Also, my son and husband were down last weekend and loved everything about the school. They spoke to them about hurricane preparedness and that every dorm is hurricane proof- I guess built to withstand high winds. (I went to school in the Midwest and we had several tornado warnings and had to go underground with the pipes, in the dorms and buildings. We survived because we were all together). Remember, with hurricanes, there are warnings for days beforehand unlike tornados which crop up out of nowhere.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info on the flights. I'm sure there are many Long Islanders so they can travel together.</p>

<p>How do we directly contact a member????</p>

<p>Thanks again. You are all a big help! (And yes, BB&B- Bed Bath and Beyond!!! Will they deliver or do we pick up the goods when we arrive?</p>

<p>what is the academic atmosphere like? are there kids always studying, or are they more likely to be elsewhere (partying, working out, etc.)</p>

<p>There's really both. There are kids always studying (I'd say roughly about 15-20%) then there are kids who study half the time and party the other half (about 50%) then there are kids who almost alway party and never study (about another 15-20%)</p>

<p>If what you're asking is if everyone is always in the library, the answer is no.</p>


<p>is this more of a 'jock' school or are there many 'nerds' around as well? and are the football players treated like celebreties by the students/staff?</p>

<p>There are many nerds around, it actually annoys me a little bit because there are some students that seriously believe that they are at Harvard and are that academically competitive. </p>

<p>Football players aren't really treated like celebs to my knowledge....... if they are, then it's not obvious.... they are definitely not treated like Brad Pitt or a member of the bears etc...</p>


<p>How hard is it to transfer schools? applied Business, now wanting Music Industry in Frost.</p>

<p>No clue. You'd have to call Frost and they'd happily give you that info.</p>


<p>Just my opinion, but I woudn't suggest shipping boxes to campus during move in week. A huge UPS truck will literally unload the entire truck's worth at least 2 times a day......... that obviously leads to massive confusion, and they just leave if you're not there to sign for it (other times of the year the front desk will sign for your package if you're not there)..... If you know someone in Miami, ship it to their house or ship it to the UPS store on US1 like someone suggested (it's literally less than a mile from the dorms).....</p>

<p>Also Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, the Container Store, and many other stores are in the area to shop at......... although they get picked over quickly</p>

<p>OK what type of stuff do i need to shop for, for the dorm?
Ladyconfused how did u deal with the move in? I really dont know what to take etc. Im hoping ill get this info before orientation but who knows.</p>

<p>Crazed what a small world. We live in Massapequa. My daughter and husband went down couple of weeks ago and loved it too. We just recently went to a reception at the Marriott in Melville. Did you go?</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the info on hurricanes it was very helpful.</p>

<p>as far as transferring schools, its a pretty simple process. it consists of filling out two sheets of forms, but transferring into frost is probably much more difficult because i think you need to audition.</p>

<p>Just to set the record straight... Mu son is academically motivated (4.0 unwieghted avg and 13 AP's, etc....) but he is not a nerd by any means. Don't equate smarts with nerdiness.</p>

<p>Mets#1- My son (and family) were invited down to attend a weekend of seminars/talks/interview/socializing at UM. HE is waiting to hear about the scholarship before he makes his final decision between there and highly competitive schools.</p>

<p>OK what type of stuff do i need to shop for, for the dorm?
Ladyconfused how did u deal with the move in? I really dont know what to take etc. Im hoping ill get this info before orientation but who knows.</p>

<p>This is from last years accepted students info (When I have more time, later tonight or tommorow, I'll add stuff on that I have and would probably make life a little easier):</p>


<p>mattress pad<br>
sheets (extra-long twin size)<br>
pillow and case<br>
alarm clock<br>
answering machine<br>
plastic soup dish, shower sandals<br>
receipts and literature from UM<br>
rain gear (umbrella/poncho)<br>
first aid items<br>
small/reading lamp<br>
hygiene items<br>
cleaning items<br>
names, addresses, phone numbers and policy numbers of medical, home-owner and automobile insurance companies </p>


<p>computer/surge suppressor<br>
coffee pot/hot pot (no open coils)<br>
can/bottle opener<br>
extension cord<br>
microwave (three wire UL Approved)
iron/ironing board<br>
plates, bowls, cups<br>
stereo (headphones useful)<br>
cooking utensils<br>

<p>Student room in Stanford/Hecht includes:
Student Rooms Include</p>

<p>air conditioning
61-station cable television service
Internet access
local telephone service
access to long distance telephone service with a calling card
desk and chair
trash can
window coverings
closet space</p>

<p>This is the room layout:</p>


<a href=""&gt;


<p>Room pictures (I'll be taking these down in a day):</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>note that these are pictures of only one half of the room and it doesn't include the closet/entrance area</p>


<p>You are definitely not confused at all but a wealth of information. You have been great and much appreciated.</p>

<p>OK, now for more questions...
What do you suggest for banking? Is there a bank on campus? ATMS? Need for check book or just debit card we can transfer money into?</p>

<p>Do the kids use the room phone (we provide it?) and answering machine or rely solely on their cell phones. By the way, any idea how Sprint reception is?</p>

<p>If you want to be an RA or tour guide you should use us for references!!</p>

<p>Thanks again and I'm sure to have plenty more questions!!</p>

<p>Not much room. You suggest a flat screen? Is that what you have facing your bed?</p>

<p>Mets#1- How was the Marriot reception? Big turn out?</p>

<p>acarta-You will get a lot of info about what to bring in a few weeks. UM sends out a whole housing packet that will answer many questions.</p>

<p>Mets#1-My S is also a Mets fan and will love to see someone else on campus wearing Mets stuff. For spring break this year, he and another student drove around FL to see 10 spring training games. They had a great time.</p>

<p>The reception was very good. There was at least 75 to 100 accepted students there. It was nice for my D to meet people that might be going to UM from our area, new jersey and the city.</p>

<p>Glad to see other met fans. My husband wishes he could go to spring training. LOL</p>

<p>Mets and crazed - we are from Muttontown. I'd be happy to answer any LI related questions. Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post to the whole board.</p>

<p>What do you suggest for banking? Is there a bank on campus? ATMS? Need for check book or just debit card we can transfer money into?</p>

<p>There's a Bank of America ATM on campus but there isn't any banks.... I personally don't have a check book, and don't know of any students who do... Any bank is okay though... use the bank that your finances are already in because that will make online transfers a lot easier...</p>


<p>Do the kids use the room phone (we provide it?) and answering machine or rely solely on their cell phones. By the way, any idea how Sprint reception is?</p>

<p>No idea about Sprint reception... I've used my dorm phone once. Most people use their cell phones.... my friends just start using their dorm phones when their cell phone bills get really high... If your kid doesn't already, I would HIGHLY suggest at least a 1,000 min a month on the cell phone and a texting plan.... </p>

<p>You do provide the room phone.... I would bring one with but it doesn't have to be an amazingly cool one because it will probably only come out in the case of an emergency or when cell minutes are low...</p>


<p>Not much room. You suggest a flat screen? Is that what you have facing your bed?</p>

<p>Yes, I have a 19in Panasonic flat screen and a TiVO!!! I'd suggest a flat screen, if you're not lofting the beds, I'd suggest a flat screen between 15-19in.... I paid way too much for mine (around $500) but you can get pretty nice 15in flat screens at walmart for around $100.... If I had to do it over, I'd get the smaller one for the cheaper price.... </p>

<p>Note: most of my friends do not have flat screens, they just have regular TVs... so it's not necessarily uncool to have a regular tv..... and I'm the only one on campus that I know of (except for an RA in my building) that has a TiVo, so that's really not a must either.... TiVOs are only $12 a month though, and the box is free sooooooo it's pretty nice when you can just study during your favorite show and watch it later. I think it's definitely improved my grades :) </p>

<p>I have to add.... for girls, tv size in general isn't an issue.... but guys who loft their beds sometimes have pretty big TVs...</p>

<p>LilyMoon- Know just where you are as I grew up in Woodbury and went to North Shore Syn.</p>

<p>Sound like there's someone from every town on LI at UM!!!</p>

<p>LadyConfused- Thanks again. Guess we'll leave the camp TV at home and get the flat screen (if my son reads this). Saw some recently at Circuit City for $100-200.</p>

<p>the university credit union is a bank on campus students have the option of switching to. there are also university credit union atms. I switched to bank of america so i could use the bank of america atms without being charged</p>