“Do you feel like you made the right school choice? How long have you been there?”</p>
<p>I would like to say that I could have gone to much higher ranked schools but chose FSU and I am very content with my decision. I’ve been here for almost 2 years now although I’m considered a Junior (by credits and Sophomore by year). FSU has turned out to be everything that a college student needs and desires. So yes ^_^</p>
“What do you think about the sororities?”</p>
<p>Depends on what you mean
I know that the sororities here are very classy haha and the girls from them are entertaining lol.</p>
“do you know anyone who took part in the byran hall living learning community - and how they felt about it?”</p>
<p>I know one person and based on what they told me, I came to know that it definitely helps in terms of allowing the student to get a better experience with friends/faculty and what not. So a positive review from my friend’s side.</p>
“what’s your opinion of the school diversity wise? Not just cultural diversity but personalities, activities, etc?”</p>
<p>I definitely do 150% feel that the school is very diverse. Although there are some characters around campus, almost everyone is very easy to get along with. Freshmen might be a lot more shy about the whole experience but that’s what they all feel like so everyone is in the same boat.</p>
<p>There are some dynamic personalities around campus:
-The occasional hipsters
-The gangsters (haha)
-The frat boys (which are quite common and not all of them are d-bags)
-The academics (which you will see everyday at the libraries like moi)
-The sisters (girls always hanging around each other)
-The creepers (just total characters haha)</p>
<p>As far as activities go, there is always something going on. Although me and my friends have complained about the lack of activities in certain areas of the campus, there is always something in the Union or Landis Green (football, soccer, frisbee, etc.)</p>
"I’ve heard mixed reviews about the gym there are FSU. Some say it’s amazing while others say it needs to be renovated? What’s your opinion on it? </p>
<p>Do you know anyone that did the first year abroad program? If so, were they happy with their decision?"</p>
<p>Ooh the gym. I personally say it is better than most gyms, but that’s simply because there is such a wide variety of equipment to use. Some of that equipment can be renovated like some of the bikes upstairs and some treadmills, but other than that, there is nothing really people can complain about. Maybe a few more lockers would do but overall i give it an 8/10.</p>
<p>I do know someone who has done the first year abroad program for one semester. He went to London and found it simply amazing. He is an outgoing person but I don’t think that really matters and if a person is an introvert (like me) I’m sure that it can only change the person.</p>
<p>Keep em coming people!</p>