Ask Almost Anything About UR!

@Rwoo24 I’m not that familiar with the pre-engineering program, but it’s my understanding that you spend only 3 years at UR, so you would not graduate with your class at UR.

@dragonmom3 for the daily basis, the coordinate college system means nothing. It’s almost entirely an administrative thing at this point- men and women have different deans offices (richmond college and westhampton respectively). However, classes are co-ed as well as most dorms (other than freshman dorms). We do maintain a couple separate traditions, but they are one time events throughout the school year (ring dance, proclamation night, investiture).

Hey I was wonder if I have a chance of getting into UR. I have a okay gpa 3.5uw/4.1w and bad sat score of 1750. Although, I have a great essay and awsome Recs. I really want to go to UR.

Isn’t 1750 a pretty good SAT?

Isn’t 1750 a pretty good SAT?

1750 out of 2400 is about the 75%. So above avg, but on the low side for Richmond

@wisteria100 will my essays and Recs help me to cover up for my sat score?

That must be the old SAT

Yeah for the new one I got 1230

Yeah for the new one I got a 1230

Ok, makes more sense now, lol. Did you apply? My D applied ED2 but scores not so great, 29 ACT (math pulled her waaay down) 1270 SAT, so scores not even in middle 50%. Fantastic spider essay & gpa is 4.3 w though & it’s a long shot butvwould be wonderful.

Yeah I applied for RD because I’m still unsure about the financial status. I hope I have a chance, but the only thing I could do is pray at this point. Good luck to ur D I hope she gets in!


I have a new question. Our S19 has a couple of years of high school left but I think Richmond is an interesting idea for him. We are in the Midwest and our high school sent three of our seniors to UR last year. I believe all three are business majors, though, and know that’s a very popular major there. Our son is not interested in business. He’s more likely to be either an International Relations major or an Environmental Studies major. Any idea if those programs are particularly small? Does the university have more of a pre-professional feel than a LAC feel?

@homerdog international relations/studies is actually a pretty popular major here; environmental science is rather small, however, but there’s still a decent amount of majors.

The school definitely does NOT have a pre-professional feel. There are small class sized, and a fair number of classes are discussion based. Realize that although there are a lot of business majors, there are a lot of non-business majors as well. I believe the last figure I heard was that there are 400 declared majors in the business school (sophomores, juniors, seniors), but there are about 2400 students eligible to have declared their major (everyone but freshmen); this is about 17% of students.

Hey! I have a few questions myself

  • you mentioned your HS was in the top rankings of the US...did you go to TJ?
  • how is the hockey/figure skating there?
  • is it harder to get into the school as a business major than another? I heard business is a popular major there and UR has one of the top b schools in the country so will that hurt my chances more if I list business as my 1st choice?
  • what's the surrounding area right outside of the actual campus like?

@camwow Yes, I did go to TJ!

Wanting to be a business major does not matter for admissions. UR does not admit by major/school for freshmen applicants. You don’t declare your major at UR until the end of your sophomore year (at which time you would apply for the business school if you want to major in business- there are no direct admits).

Surrounding areas is mainly foresty roads/residential areas, but there are also small small shopping centers with restaurants/grocery stores. We’re pretty self-contained and isolated in the woods. You’d have to drive/take the shuttle to really get anywhere off campus.

Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about the hockey/figure skating scene.

@camwow As @guineagirl96 mentioned, the area directly adjacent to campus is a bit isolated (sort of similar to Duke or Wake Forest if you have been there) but only 1 or 2 miles away is a really nice suburban area with interesting shops and restaurants that the UR shuttles can take you to.

thank you!!

@camwow My D just got in ED2 so we went last w/e to check it out, I was concerned there was nothing to walk to but feel better after seeing it. There is a small but very nice strip mall area (Talbots & Orvis so nice) I think it has food, etc but it seems too far to walk as you have to walk to the entrance of the school, which is a hike, then down a road, can’t remember if there are sidewalks? It’s a VERY hilly campus - I was surprised! If D goes she will get in shape for sure, lol! It was beautiful, set up well, not any large quad type spaces which I didn’t love like you have w/ WF, for example, but very well thought out, immaculately clean and well maintained - we were very impressed. The students said hello and were very friendly.

Carytown seems to be where kids hang out, every type of restaurant you could want & fantastic food, not as many shops. A few blocks from that is a great museum (Museum of VA I think?) good size, thoughtfully curated and FREE. I assume a shuttle goes there as well - a fantastic place to hang for the day and study on the sweeping lawn and outdoor area. My D is an art history major so couldn’t be more perfect for her. She loved the school even more, now if we can just make the FA work,lol.

Hello! I was just admitted and they met 100% of my need. I have some questions that I would be very thankful if you answered.

How active are the tutoring and guidance options at U of R? All my life I have struggled with mathematics and I want to know that this place has a good system for help. Also, I have not idea what I want to do and Richmond has such small classes, I feel like guidance would be much closer and easier to reach than James Madison University.

Also, I don’t remember how to find that AP and Dual Enrollment policy for U of R? Would you mind explaining it or directing me to the page (where I will probably have questions). Will they accept community college credits (Dual Enrollment).

Also, I just wanted to make sure that the Richmond Promise is for all four years. I heard some people talking about only two years, and I can’t find anymore information on the site (I might call about this). I also was confused about some other financial aid information (it says it is a full scholarship only with grants, but it wants me to sign some stuff about loans, this confuses me . . .).

Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Also, am I allowed to “stack” scholarships. I didn’t think I would get in here and I applied to many scholarships. However, if this is not the case I will probably stop applying to scholarships (as it will be absorbed in my Promise).

Thanks again! :slight_smile: