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Yes. I am wondering about the same thing as WilliamNYC. My son also was accepted to UBuffalo honors engineering and he is trying to decide between the two.

@WilliamNYC and @Braccha I have heard anecdotally that Binghamton engineering is newer and not as established as Buffalo’s engineering program.and that Buffalo engineering has more academic offerings (chemical engineering, for example). The caliber of student is higher at Bing than Buffalo due to more selective admissons and a smaller class size. However, the other way of looking at this is that it will be more difficult to do well academically because of who you are competing against. I have two neighbors whose kids went to Watson and Buffalo for engineering. The son who went to Watson was a better student but transferred out after first fist year because it was too rigorous and he was not doing well. Whereas the student with less high stats who went to Buffalo is actually doing well. Sometimes for these super competitive and difficult programs it’s better to go to a school where your stats are in the top quarter than where your stats place you in the middle 50% or less. Because there is a greater chance that you will do better academically there.

Hi, I just got accepted to Binghamton today. How is the campus at the Binghamton? And how is the Computer Science program?

Hi I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Scholars Program and the benefits of it

anyone hear back from the waitlist yet? and have spring admission for spring2019