<p>Can anyone assist me in finding a course guideline for TRANSFER (out-of-state) STUDENTS to ensure my acceptance to UAF's petroleum engineering. None of the counselors are replying to my emails. This is what I found so far...
[url=<a href="http://www.uaf.edu/catalog/current/programs/math.html%5D2012-2013">http://www.uaf.edu/catalog/current/programs/math.html]2012-2013</a> Catalog<a href="I%20am%20already%20doing%20all%20engineering/math/science%20classes%20I%20can%20take">/url</a>
[url=<a href="http://www.uaf.edu/catalog/current/admissions/transfer_placement_chart3.html%5D2012-2013">http://www.uaf.edu/catalog/current/admissions/transfer_placement_chart3.html]2012-2013</a> Catalog<a href="if%20anyone%20could%20confirm%20this%20is%20what%20I%20was%20looking%20for%20that%20would%20be%20great">/url</a>
Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>UAF’s petroleum engineering program doesn’t require you to have completed certain courses to directly transfer into their Petroleum Engineering department. All you can really do to “ensure” your acceptance is to have a decent transcript and GPA.
You don’t need to have completed all the courses in that second link to transfer directly into UAF’s petroleum engineering department.
Here is a useful transfer credit site that can tell you which of your classes will be a direct transfer to UAF, if a class is not listed UAF will try to equate it to one of their courses, if they can’t, then you may need to send them a syllabus of that course to gain equivalent credit:</p>
<p><a href=“UAOnline Services | UAOnline Services”>UAOnline Services | UAOnline Services;
<p>Very informative alchemist. I just wanted to make sure that my admission won’t be denied because of some BS prerequisite I did not complete.</p>