Attending STEP 14 at Virginia Tech worthwhile?

<p>My daughter was offered to participate in STEP 14 @ V.Tech during the summer. Should she maintain high grades and pass a calculus test with at least a B she is guaranteed admission to the engineering program. Her end point is Aerospace Engineering. How difficult is the STEP program? Is it worth her while? She was accepted to other schools as well. </p>

<p>We received that today as well. Need some info.</p>

<p>Agree. Emailed them with a request for more information. </p>

<p>Did you get a reply back?</p>

<p>Yes. Admission to engineering is guaranteed if you pass all courses and the calculus test with B’s. About a 1/3 of students successfully pass. Based on past experience, V.Tech is expecting 70-85 students to enroll in STEP. My daughter has decided not to enroll after all because she was accepted to Aerospace engineering programs at other schools. What about you? What are your plans? </p>

<p>She will be going to Tech. We are undecided about STEP. 1/3 doesn’t sit well with me. Thanks for the info.</p>

<p>All the best & good luck!</p>

<p>Hi Cali098,
My daughter wants to attend the Step program. She called and left a message with Dr. Watford ( the lady who signed the Step letter). Is there someone else to call to confirm the info? When is the cutoff date for applying?</p>

<p>I was in email communication with Lee Walter (<a href=“”></a>). As far as I know May 5th is the deadline. Go to <a href=“”>;/a&gt; to glean more information. </p>

@sealsfamily‌ How’s your daughter doing at VT? Did she get in to Engineering already?

She had decided to attend PSU. Her aim is aerospace engineering. She loves her school and feels academically stimulated and challenged. How about your daughter?

@cali098‌ It’s actually my son. He applied for Engineering at VT but got admitted into University Studies. He’s really hoping right now for STEP to be opened to US admitted students to get a chance of admission to Engineering. I found out through your post that this was done last year. Otherwise, we know it’s going to be tough for him because of all the changes that they made to the Engineering requirements for internal applicants.

Wishing your son all the best. It is a stressful time in the life of a college applicant and his/ her family… going through the same process with my other daughter too.

@cali098‌ Thank you. All the best to your daughter too. My son is all set to go to VT. He’s positive he’ll eventually get to Engineering.