<p>Do any of the thousands of you on this board know Professor Haggerty of the HR department? I'm taking 260 with him this semester, and I suspect he either usually teaches grad students or works with extension, because most people haven't heard of him. His class is an MW 8:40 (I know, sigh,) and I am currently weighing some options regarding staying here for the inauguration festivities, specifically the huuuge concert on Sunday, and coming back to Ithaca a bit late. I am specifically curious if Prof. Haggerty would find it humorous that I missed his first class to see Bruce Springsteen for the third time. </p>
<p>I know, what would Cowie do, right?</p>
<p>All I can say is that I attended exactly one HR260 lecture, and that was one lecture too many.</p>
<p>Sounds like he is a first time lecturer:</p>
<p>[Basic</a> Direcotry Home Page Template](<a href=“http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/directory/jjh56/biography.htm]Basic”>http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/directory/jjh56/biography.htm)</p>
<p>Why not just drop the course, then add it again after the election? You have three weeks to shop courses, after all.</p>
<p>I would eagerly skip it if I were in the 300-person class, but Spring HR only has 28 people in it. It’s hard to hide in Ives 217. I definitely considered dropping it and adding it again, but it’s an instructor permission class, so I’d have to admit to my delinquency either way: if not to the professor, to Mrs. Freeman. </p>
<p>The second class I have that day is Salvatore, and I think he’d understand. There is also the possibility that I would get snowed in somewhere in Pennsylvania and miss even more than the first day.</p>
<p>Then I honestly wouldn’t worry about it too much. Just show up on Wednesday and apologize for having to miss class on Monday.</p>
<p>As someone who’s TAed for and ran several classes, profs in classes with greater than twenty students typically don’t notice if someone’s absent from any given class-- they have other things on their minds. If they don’t know your name, I really wouldn’t worry about it. If they do, a simple apology can go a long way, or just be honest and let him know you have the opportunity to see the historic inauguration. Either way, just ask what you could do to catch up, and my guess is that you’d be gaining more points than you’d be losing.</p>
<p>Unluckily enough, some personal circumstances have arisen that would require me to return late, anyways. I got an extremely supportive message from the professor after explaining both the inauguration stuff and what just happened. Monday was just going to be a course overview, anyways. I Love ILR Moment #4998, anyone?</p>