Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Son accepted!

Mechanical Engineering
4.7 WGPA
31 ACT

My daughter is a senior at Auburn. From what I remember about housing, the application will open in November and that is when you will get your spot in line to choose a dorm. Receiving your acceptance in the first round and applying for housing early will greatly increase your chances of getting a dorm room. You will receive a time slot to pick your dorm (based on order you filled out housing contract) in the spring and that is truly like the Hunger Games as you log in and race to grab a spot. :). There are so many awesome apartments, too, including a couple that Auburn has taken over so donā€™t worry! It will all work out.

Once your student has picked a roommate, you will be able to link them together through housing contract and only one will have to do the selection of dorm rooms which makes that part a bit easier.

Congrats to everyone!!


War Eagle!!! Son accepted OOS with 4.1 GPA and 28 ACT. Business major. We are super excited!


My understanding is that merit awards come out mid-November. You can also apply for general and departmental merit awards by Feb 1st. The first round, however, does not require a separate application.


War Eagle! Daughter Accepted-OOS ACT 27, GPA 4.03, Major-Exploratory. No APā€™s but some honors, tons of extracurriculars, WED invite but not attending. I donā€™t think auburn cares about either though. Was expecting a deferral with later admission based on last year but very thankful to make it in on first EA! New to Auburn so very interested in all of the housing details and such so thank you for those providing that information. Best of luck to everyone!


Thatā€™s surprising, TBH. My daughter has similar stats (although we are in state) and she received an invite. Has she toured before?

Congratulations on her acceptance! :blue_heart: :orange_heart:

Thank you! She hasnā€™t done the official tour, but has been to their soccer camps, so sheā€™s familiar with campus. Iā€™m hopeful there may be more offered, but if not, no biggie. We love Lake Martin, so weā€™re ecstatic with the acceptance. Congrats to your daughter as well!

Auburn is a special place!
I havenā€™t been able to narrow down the criteria for WED invitesā€¦I was wondering if ā€œdemonstrated interestā€ had anything to do with it, although applying is definitely showing interest, right!? Who knows?

What state are you guys from? Is she considering Honors College?


I just realized I replied to myself :roll_eyes: but I think you got the answer from others. Best wishes!

She had not toured as of Sept 15 but we were signed up for a tour which was Sept 26 and a housing tour. Also she did her schools Auburn college visit with the Admissions advisor at the end of August, which they had a sign up list, also submitted scores very early so there was demonstrated interest so that could be the reason for the WED. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Son was accepted ! We are very excited. When you open the acceptance page; it has ā€œAdmitted Student Checklistā€; then it has 4 navy blue buttons (bars) underneath. One is titledā€¦" View your Official Test Scores and GPA." Does yours show weighted GPA or unweighted GPA when you click there? They are showing unweighted for my son. Just curious what others show. TIA.

Iā€™ll ask my D23 about the weighted/ UW. That was why I was reporting her UW GPA and her AP # because I thought someone said here that Auburn does their own weighting system based on advanced courses so kidsā€™ weighted GPAā€™s from their HS might not mean anything for people to compare to.

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My sonā€™s cumulative GPA on his transcript is weighted. They do not provide an unweighted cumulative GPA, just individual unweighted grades in every class. In the portal they pulled the weighted GPA which is the only cumulative GPA on the transcript. Interestingly, his calculated Auburn GPA using the formula above is not included (it is higher than his schools calculation).

My sons calculated GPA must be weighted because it says 4*

We are from GA, Auburn is one of the closets schools to us as we live South of Atlanta. Auburn is usually one of the top choices from our area because of itā€™s great reputation and college life.

She is very interested in Honors College and hoping to get that info soon.

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We are from the Chicago Area and our son got accepted (Applied 8/2) Majoring in Aviation. Excited beyond Belief! We are looking forward getting back down South.
GPA 4.07
ACT 25
AP & DC classes
Top 8%


I tried doing the AU Computing Account Activation but itā€™s not going through with the Username they gave us. Do we have to wait for a certain time period to activate it?

Now that our DS has been there since Fall (OOS), I can confirm $17k in tuition and about $250 per semester in ebooks for his classes. I think the variance for tuition could be the studentā€™s particular degree/school fees?


I dont necessarily think that optional campus housing is a downside. Auburn has tons of extremely close and secure (closer than dorms) off campus student housing. These are furnished large apartment complexes (only students) that can be as near or far as you can afford. The further complexes have a bus line close by. Students do need to get on the waiting list for these apartments well in advance. If you have not already toured campus, take 30 minutes to tour one or two of them (320 West Magnolia or Oliv are close by).

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Really enjoyed how truly personalized it was - my student filled out an interests form ahead of time, and then his schedule was mapped to that. They did the campus tour with a small group, but then broke out for personalized aspects after that. Lunch with a student in his preferred major, a visit to a classroom to talk with a professor, information ready to go on the ECs heā€™s interested in, etc. It was a long, full day but it definitely changed his mind about Auburn. We are OOS and for travel - flew in the night before, spent all day on campus, then flew back home the next day.


Thanks so much! It sounds great! And thank you for the travel info. Very helpful :relaxed: