Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

From what I can tell, they need to activate their AU email first. Then in late Oct, this batch of kids will get an email to that account (check often!) with a time slot/date. It’s not all super clear to me, but this link helps a lot.

We are going to War Eagle Day on Oct 28th. Hoping to get more detailed info there and I’ll be happy to report back. But at this point, it sounds like we wait for a couple weeks for that email to come to the Auburn account.


Thank you for that! I wish we could do WED. D23 wants to visit again (I think she just really wants to move in already) but the next 2 months are CRAZY for us. No way we can fit in a trip to Alabama - especially when we’ve been there already!

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We have a dear friend with a kid at Auburn. Will ask him and try to figure it out. It varies by school! My last college kid (sophomore at UGA) got in to Florida early action but we didn’t realize you had to fill out a housing application and pay 25 bucks right after you submitted your application for admission (ie pre Nov 1) to get a good chance at housing at UF. I have learned to ask questions!

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Can you please provide some details on the VIT day? We haven’t received a schedule yet and need to plan travel. What did you enjoy the most?

accepted / Aerospace Engineering
Sat 1530
11 APs
GPA 3.5

I really value the experience of parents who have been through this before sooooo much - IRL and here. Believe me, I’m asking my friends with kids in college so many questions and I will pass it on next year (and still ask stupid questions) when I do it again with D24.

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DS Accepted
3.96UW GPA
34 ACT
Marine Biology


Daughter deferred. Anyone know when the next round of decisions is released or do we really have to wait until April? :pensive:

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EA Round 2 - decisions released mid November
EA Round 3 - decisions released Mid January
Regular - decisions early March

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Daughter current Sophomore (OOS TX)
FYI - Absolutely LOVES Auburn

Deferred 1st early acceptance period - Fall 2020
At that time, GPA 3.54 / ACT 27

Re-submitted ACT before decision for 2nd early acceptance period with update ACT 31 and accepted then. Still qualified for merit $ = $60K total ($15K per year)

Son just accepted (OOS TX)
GPA 4.24
ACT 33
Psychology / Pre-Med focus

We are 100% a War Eagle family!!!


how do you find out? My son applied on common app and he said he hasn’t received an email.

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Was she test optional?

My daughter’s first showed as a status update on her portal, and then an email came shortly after. Did he have all his required documents etc in before the Sept 15 deadline? Maybe have him check his spam and log on to portal if he has one. Good luck!

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Did he make the 9/15 deadline? If not, the next round of notices will be mid-November. Also, we got an update in the portal before we got the email.

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Daughter OOS- accepted! War Eagle :eagle: :blue_heart::orange_heart:

Daughter accepted OOS

  • GPA 4.0 unweighted
  • 10 AP/DE classes
  • Test optional
  • Nursing

Daughter accepted OOS
GPA UW 3.91 W 4.26
SAT 1380 SS
6 AP/DE classes
Nursing major


Housing at Auburn is very confusing and very competitive so I’d make sure your student is staying on top of their email and setting up their AU email(and checking that one too). If you think Application season is stressful as a student/parent, Auburn housing season is much worse. It’s one of the few negatives about Auburn, but it’s important to know what you are getting in to if you commit to a school that doesn’t guarantee dorms.

I’ll check my emails from last year to see how it worked then, but it seems like some of the dates have changed some, so it may not be the exact same.


OOS (GA) Daughter accepted. W 4.229 ACT 32 11 AP/Dual Business Major
She did not receive a War Eagle Day invitation. Does anyone have insight in to what the criteria is for that?

Thanks & congrats to the c/o '27!

Anyone receive merit info with acceptance? My son was admitted OOS 3.97 unweighted 30 ACT business major.