Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Really? What was her unweighted GPA? Because 4.3 is really high? What major?

Depends on what a 4.3 is out of. A 4.3 out of 4.0 is high. A 4.3 out if 5.0 is not.

DD was deferred 
 education major. We’ve visited twice from NJ and it’s her top choice. Now she gets an invitation for the “Education Preview Day”. If they accepted her we’d go in a hot minute. I don’t want to go back and have her love it more just to be rejected and make the heartbreak worse. Or would it help her get in by going and showing interest (as if 2 visits haven’t already). Ugh! Frustrated mama here! Thoughts?

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I think your DD should go to the invited education preview day (does show interest) and then follow up with an email to her admission advisor. No harm in thanking them for the tour, describe something specific about the tour she liked or is interested in; and then telling the advisor in your follow up email that Auburn is her first choice of schools after the visit. I don’t know if it will help, but it sure wouldn’t hurt. If she really wants it, she should try.


Check those portal emails for housing time slot assignments!
Housing registration opens on Nov 9!! :house:


I would suggest she attend as well. It will set her apart from those that do not. Also, according to Auburn’s Common Data Set, demonstrated interest is considered “important”. See here.. Yield is very important to colleges - they want kids who want them. Best of luck!


When we fill out app do we request specific housing location or is it a generic app?

In November, during the housing registration, it sounds like you pay the $100 and choose your order preference for the 7 options (only if they needed to assign you a room later on, I think). You can change this and add roommates any time up until March when you actually select a room.

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Hi everyone - I have a few questions. We have accepted the spot at Auburn (YEA!!!). Does this mean that my son is placed into his major/school (business) that was on his application? Or do we need to confirm that?
Also, do we pay the $100 housing fee before November 7th? Or after?
Thanks so much!

Congrats! Yes, the major he chose when he applied should be what he was accepted into
you should be able to confirm that on his portal.
You pay the $100 when you register for housing, which you’ll do during your assigned time slot. Those start Nov 9 and go into the next week. The time slot was sent to the portal email. He will be able to sign on at that time, rank his preference of dorms, and pay the $100 to secure his spot for March.
Hope that makes sense!
On a side note
the $250 enrollment deposit needs to be paid at least a couple weeks before housing selection in March.

Hlauburn - Thank you so much!
One more question – paying the $250 enrollment deposit accepts the spot, correct? Or do we need to do anything else?
Thank you. :slight_smile:

That’s a good question! I don’t really know. We are going up there Friday and I will add it to my (long) list of things to ask!

Perfect! Thank you!

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So you can pay the hundred dollars to get in line for housing but not pay the commitment deposit, right?

Test-optional is the death sentence at Auburn. Last year they accepted less than <10% TO and that included accepted for second semester start. Have a plan B ready.


Auburn does not utilize “showing interest”. If you call admissions they will confirm.

Yeah. On our tours there and at Clemson, the impression I got was that they were really only “test optional” for people who had been severely impacted by the pandemic in some way. Like they were in a hospital bed. Or circumnavigating the world in a sailboat.


It seems that way! $100 due when you register for housing, but $250 only needs to be in before you actually select a room (BUT they say give it like 5 business days to process, so I would definitely not wait until the very last minute).

After we paid our sons enrollment deposit there was a new letter in his portal that confirmed he was in his major on his application. Felt good to see it in writing :slight_smile:

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Thank you. We paid the enrollment last night. I’ll have my son check today when he’s home. I appreciate your help!