Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

it wouldn’t work for us, either. Gonna have to call admissions but just haven’t had the time yet. - (SORRY - this is in the wrong spot)

My D applied on 10/14 and got her acceptance on 10/21. Wasn’t expecting that so quick!


Congratulations and War Eagle!

That surprises me too…I thought EA2 didn’t hear back until mid November.

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That’s what we thought too! Guess it must be rolling after EA1

Congrats to your D! Do you mind sharing stats? Thanks.

Sure- she is high stat so maybe that was the quick admit.
4.0 UW
35 ACT taken once
5 on all AP’s
2 sport varsity athlete - (one at very high level 5 years of Varsity, school record holder, MVP, starter since 8th grade, all state- but doesn’t want to play in college).


She sounds amazing! Congrats


This thread has been pretty quiet lately! I guess we are all sort of in a holding pattern until housing opens up and the next round of acceptances is released.

My daughter and I attended War Eagle Day last week and really enjoyed it! A lot of it was things we had already seen or heard, but it was a great experience. I think the visit pretty much sealed the deal for her, and although she is still waiting on a couple more acceptance letters, the plan right now is (hopefully) Honors College and housing in the Village! :crossed_fingers:t3: Major unknown - possibly Exploratory, although she likes Aviation Management too. So we shall see…exciting times!


Can anyone give me an idea of what happens when you sign up for housing?Do you have to choose where you want to live or do you just pay your money and get to pick in the spring.

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During their Nov time slot (assuming EA1 application), the student will log in, register for housing (meaning express interest in on campus housing), and they’ll have a chance to rank each community from 1 to 7. This preference will only come into play if they don’t log back in in March and pick a room. They’ll pay the $100 registration fee, and then that will put them “in line” for housing picks in March.
In the meantime, students can look for roommates and “match” themselves with them if they decide to live together. Students will the earlier housing time in the spring can place other students who they have mutually “connected” with in the housing portal. Also, make sure the $250 enrollment fee is paid well in advance of your spring time slot. It takes time to process and a student can’t pick a room until it’s paid.

Hope this helps!


We are working on Honors College essays here as well! A bit harder to rouse my DS as he finished his other essays in August. lol Looking forward to hearing about merit awards later this month :crossed_fingers:

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Those essays are no joke! After awhile, you start seeing some of the same type prompts, but the HC app ones will definitely take some time and thought. I feel like the deadline is creeping up…they don’t give them a whole lot of time!

We spoke to the HC rep at War Eagle Day and she told us about 88% of honors applicants were accepted last year, with an average ACT of 32 and 4.2ish GPA.

That is great news! We are in good shape with those stats. He has 3 honors colleges he’s applying to at the same time so….yeah the fun just never stops! lol. Best of luck to your senior :raised_hands:

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Do you know when HC decisions come out?

Thanks…good luck to your son! I believe the first round of HC decisions come out sometime in December.

On a side note…we are in state, so my daughter applied to UAB (a close 2nd to Auburn). They sent her an email with automatic admission into their Honors College, auto admit into graduate school, plus like a $2500 stipend on top of merit. :weary:

I LOVE Birmingham and UAB is a great school, but it’s not Auburn. Sure is hard to turn away from such a great offer though.


We lived in Birmingham for a while. I love Birmingham too! UAB back when we lived there 30 years ago was really a commuter school but I think that has changed. Back then it was very urban and didn’t really feel like a college campus, but I think they have done a lot to improve that. I agree, though, it’s not Auburn!

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Congratulations on her award! We are in FL and have an in-state school offering money and other carrots to my son on a regular basis. It’s nice, but it also makes it hard to focus on our other schools with all the noise they are making. I guess that’s the idea! lol Hoping the Auburn awards are announced with HC acceptance. It’s the waiting that’s the killer!

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Yes, very hard to turn down Bright Futures! We moved here from FL, and it was definitely one of the perks I was sad to leave behind. I’m really hoping awards come out in the next couple of weeks and HC shortly after the deadline! :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Any insight into when EA2 decisions will be released? 11/18?

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Hopefully soon! Maybe 11/16…?

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