Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Anyone think today could be the day for 10/15 deadline decisions? Last year it was Friday 11/12.

Have you heard anything? Could still be today! :crossed_fingers:t3:

They are out


Did anyone receive acceptance that was told
”deferred” in October?

I think deferred October hear in March per a friend whose child was deferred.

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DD EA2 accepted /Chemical Engineering
Sat 1340
7 APs
GPA 3.8 UW /4.1 W

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Good news??

3.0 UW
32 ACT


Accepted to Engineering

3.69 UW / 4.23W
All Honors / No AP’s
1250 SAT - Taking one more time with in-depth prep to try to get merit.

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UW 3.9 W 5.1
ACT 23 SAT 1180
AP, Honors, leadership, and extracurricular activities

Accepted to Nursing!

3.67 unweighted
31 ACT
6 APs
Focused science electives
3 sport athlete/ captain of 2/ all state academic / NHS/ Best Buddies/ substantial volunteering and employment as well

Accepted - Business
3.99 UW / 4.28 W
8 APs
1240 SAT
NHS, captain of a winter sport, 120 hours community service

Has anyone done their housing yet or heard anything? We aren’t until the 16th. Sigh! A little worried that it will push us out of the quad being an option. TIA!

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My son is the 21st at 2 PM as is everyone I’ve heard of. He was very late to set up his Auburn email so maybe that’s why? He was an October admit.

Thx for the reply. I know one person on the 15th and another on the 16th but that is all I have heard . I am guessing it is random but just seems so far out from the 9th when it opened. My friend on the 15th has heard of several already having done theirs already. We are new to Auburn so not sure how it all works. We were the first EA decision release.

My daughter’s housing slot was November 10th at 10:00.


Interesting-how did it go? Was it just the ranking of the dorms? Thx!

Yes. She just ranked the dorms and paid the $100 deposit.


Same. We are going to go ahead and pay we think. Still on the fence a bit as he has several other decisions coming in the next several weeks (UGA, Georgia Tech, Clemson) and he will know UGA results before he registers. I just don’t have a good feel for how early you need to register. My preference would be to wait for Georgia Tech on December 9 and then decide but don’t want him to be without a dorm!


We are on the 16th as well. I have heard that being in the early action 1 admit group means that living on campus is very likely. But this is our first experience with college housing so I really don’t know. Fingers crossed.

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