Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

The first round of Honors College decisions (due Nov 18) were released mid December. They sent acceptance, rejection, and waitlist notifications.
My daughter was accepted to Auburn in the first round, submitted her application for HC well before the 11/18 deadline, and she never heard anything. Now the offices are closed until January. Really frustrating.

@robbienew1 When did you/your student apply?

Did you check her Auburn email and junk mail? HC decisions only went to the Auburn email account. Also, did you reach out to the school just in case? Some schools are answering emails even though they are officially closed.

Checked all emails multiple times. She has called and emailed. Sounds like they wonā€™t be back or answer emails until Jan 3rd or 4th at the earliest. Other than the email, do you see any HC-related updates in the portal? Her application is marked as ā€œsubmittedā€ and received on 11/13, but nothing other than that. Thanks!

I am so sorry! That is so bizarre and super frustrating! My DS was waitlisted, so probably not the best example, but there is nothing anywhere in his portal and his HC application is still there. Just a short email was all he got. January 3rd will be here soon:)

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Thanks! Yeah, I guess all we can do is wait and hope for the best!

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Please let us know what you found out. My son reached out to his AO to inquire about the length of the HC waitlist, but Iā€™m hoping that wonā€™t even be a concern for your daughter! :crossed_fingers:

We did not hear back by email today, and called later in the day but got a recording. Will try again tomorrow! The recording did make it sound like tomorrow would be the first day they open after the holidays, although I know Housing was open today, so Iā€™m not really sure.

Did your son hear back from his AO? Iā€™m interested to hear what they say about the waitlist and how that works.

No word yet. I will let you know as soon as I hear!

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They were definitely open today - may not have been taking phone calls just yet. My December SAT was dangling out there for weeks and they finally initiated their update today.

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No word yet from AU, however, my DSā€™s school counselor said to treat any waitlist as a denial. Not that they were denied, but that the school will pull kids from waitlists only to fill a specific need - something our kids have no control over and will have no knowledge of. It could be major, gender, nationality, etc. Sometimes it makes no sense who gets admitted and who doest, but itā€™s all part of the larger formula of shaping a class. My DS needs to decide if AU is the school for him without the HC experience. Good luck to your DD! If I hear anything more specific, I will let you know.

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Thanks for sharing that. I was honestly a little surprised that ā€œwaitlistā€ was even a thing for HC this year - we were told last year had an 88% acceptance rate, so Iā€™m not sure if the process changed or what.
My daughter wants to try to give them a call again today. I think she deserves to know where she stands considering she submitted everything as requested. She will go to Auburn either way, but it does change her path moving forward a bit, so it would be nice to know!
Thanks againā€¦and Iā€™ll also update if I hear anything of interest.

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@lahurley01 Just an updateā€¦
My daughter called today and talked to a nice guy, but I think he was probably a student and had limited information. He was able to verify that he could see she had submitted everything in plenty of time and that she should have heard something. Unfortunately, the person who in in charge of admissions wonā€™t be back until the 10th. The voicemail message also says that HC admissions emails will be answered starting 1/10, so it looks like we have to waitā€¦ :confused:

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Geez! Sorry for that. At least she spoke with someone! Will continue to keep fingers crossed for her :blush:

Anyone else anxiously waiting for EA3 decisions this month? By the looks of past release dates, maybe this Friday? Iā€™ve sent 2 to Auburn already, but with the addition of the common app, Iā€™m a little on edge.

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We are waiting as well! Her friend was in the first EA and found out on the 11th of the month. Will you come back and post when you hear and I will as well?


When do deferred students hear back from Auburn?


Iā€™ll reply when I hear something. Iā€™ll be watching if anyone hears when decisions are out.

Deferred students will hear back with regular decision applications in March. They are not considered with any additional EA rounds. Some deferred students were asked to provide mid-term grades and could also update ACT/SAT scores if they had improved.

Not all deferred students are asked for mid term grades?

One of my DSā€™s friends was deferred and asked to provide mid-term grades, Iā€™m not sure if all students who are deferred are asked this. I didnā€™t want to indicate that all deferrals are since I donā€™t know. It may depend on the reason for the deferral - i.e. GPA vs test scores.