Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

My daughter has been admitted to the Honors program at both Auburn and South Carolina with intended major of nursing. At UofSC, she gets direct admit to the upper division nursing program through the honors college which is a huge pro when looking at the pro/con list for each school. Does anyone have any info in regards to the Auburn nursing program if your student is in Honors. There may not be any benefit but thought I’d ask.

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Thank you for your post! It gives me hope for my daughter.

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Has anyone received a Talons Day invite? I believe it is for students who have received merit scholarships. Thanks!

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We did not receive our invite, but I did happen to register just by googling talons day. However, it looks like the link has disappeared since then.

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Ours came in the mail today. Someone posted that registration was live on Friday, so we signed up, but it seems like registration has since been “deactivated”. Hopefully they open it again soon since people have started to receive the invites in the mail.

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my daughter also has the option of UNC vs Auburn. She loves the Auburn experience but is pulled by the chapel hill reputation. keep us in the loop on what your son decides! Definitely trusting God’s guidance in this!

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My daughter received one yesterday in the mail and was able to sign up this morning. She did receive a merit based scholarship and has many leadership roles on her resume. Not sure how they select who is invited.

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Thanks! We got one too. :slight_smile:

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We just received ours in the mail today. I wasn’t going to go online and sign up for something we had not received an invitation to. However, it appears my decision to do that was at our peril as there are no spots left in any of the sessions. Seems wrong to get an invite and immediately go on to register and not be able to. I suspect the people registering that weren’t invited might have something to do with that. This might have pushed my daughter to more seriously consider Auburn but we won’t have that exposure now. Very frustrating

I am so sorry this happened to you! I would highly recommend getting on the waitlist as the dates are still a bit far off and I’m sure there will be cancellations. Auburn, like many others, is dealing with record numbers across the board, so please don’t get discouraged. I do believe all of these institutions are doing the very best they can in this crazy time!

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That is frustrating. I think the invites started coming in on Saturday, and clearly more went out than there were spots. We got our Monday. But I would suggest you keep checking for availability because people will cancel. Also, there is supposedly a “waitlist” you can get on if you call admissions. It’s worth a try!

Probably canceling ours. Timing may not work out. Coming OOS there is a lot more planning at play. I suspect others will end up in same boat when it comes down to it.

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It’s probably too late now, but we could only open one date and then I saw someone post on facebook to clear your history and all the dates became available to us. This was 2 days ago, but you could keep checking if spots open up. I was kind of glad to know this if this kind of thing happens again.

Any insight from folks on when AUSOM scholarships get awarded/notified? S23 was admitted (pre-architecture) and has other offers on the table. He really enjoyed visiting Auburn a few weeks back but going to need to weigh out the financial picture against the others. We’re in no rush per-se but can’t seem to find any information on the timing of these and if it’s prior to 5/1 or after.

My son also pre-architecture received an award in January and it said final awards would be out in March. My son applied in October and completed AUSOM prior to Dec. 1. Not sure if that helps.

I’m waiting too. They start early March and then weekly thereafter.

Thanks - we got the standard “financial aid notification” which was just loans… that didn’t contain area level scholarships.

Thanks @edubya for the link - good to know we’ll have that information to have a complete picture (at least for Freshman year!).

Room Selection Time Slots are available in your housing portal for EA1 applicants. Earliest slot is March 22nd.


My daughter got her pick time!

Someone posted their kid got 3/21. I’m suspicious… :face_with_monocle:

She replied later that it was a typo - her real timeslot is 3/27. LOL Got me worried tho!!