Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes, if the AUSOM scholarships are declined, they will be awarded to another student. (This does not apply to merit scholarships though)

Not disputing and saying your wrong but the exchange I had with the Scholarship office yesterday didn’t sound like that was the case. I didn’t ask that specific question but the statement I did get from them was “Regretfully, all institutional scholarships have been awarded at this time and all decisions are final.” (that’s a quote right from the email).

In any case, good luck to all the kids going to Auburn - we toured a few weeks back and it seemed like a great school with a positive vibe to it. DS is OOS and with no merit or scholarships left him as a full-pay student. He has other equivalent schools (programs, fit, etc) that are quite a bit less expensive so Auburn gets cut.


Good luck wherever your son lands! Auburn is a great school, but they definitely are not the most generous with money. Even if those small scholarships are re-awarded, they’re likely to be fairly small amounts and not enough to put much on a dent in OOS tuition.

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I hear you! Honestly I’m struggling with this one because I hear housing goes extremely fast and don’t want my daughter to miss out on getting the housing she wants but she hasn’t made a final decision yet and it is frustrating that these schools expect payment and contracts so early


So we got a rejection in January and then just received an acceptance packet in the mail. Checked portal and there is now an acceptance letter? I haven’t heard of that happening before?

Did you submit updated (higher) SAT scores or Mid-Term grades that might have impacted GPA (again, higher)?

Auburn outlined at their admissions session that they’re pretty much “if you get at least this GPA and at least this SAT/ACT you’re in”.

Same thing happened with our son, almost like they deferred or waitlisted to a later cycle. No email notice just a “welcome to Auburn” postcard. Checked his portal and was admitted a couple of weeks earlier

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Curious how often your student contacted admissions throughout the year to show demonstrated interest? Does it help? We have a rising senior. Unfortunately our region is in process of hiring admissions advisor. No one specific to contact yet.

DS didn’t show any demonstrated interest in Auburn - applied (second round of EA) and was accepted. We later attended an admissions information session and they outlined their admissions process as being very quantitative - basically if you got at least an X on SAT/ACT and have at least Y for a GPA, you’re accepted (I forget at this moment what those values were). Sort of explains how they can turn around admissions decisions so quickly.

If you’re local and reasonably able to do an admissions session in the coming months would suggest that’s a good path. Beyond that I wouldn’t spend much time contacting them.

Ultimately we decided against Auburn, being OOS with zero merit/scholarship there were better “value propositions” for him but we really liked the school and general campus vibe.

My son is a current Freshman at Auburn, and got his acceptance in October 2021, so he applied early, in August, which was an additional way to show demonstrated interest. Besides that, we toured twice, once on our own during Covid and once a year later for a “real” tour. My son emailed the area advisor for advice on what to see and do during our tour and time in Auburn. He contacted her again after applying with another question so maybe she noticed he was really interested in the school. He also had the GPA and SAT score within the range that they were accepting, and had a strong essay and high school resume. That was at a time right when Auburn was beginning to see a huge burst in applicants so I believe applying early, in combination with his stats and demonstrated interest played a role in his acceptance.

My son had reached out to his admissions advisor a few times and was told on one occasion that the process this year (2023) was solely academics based. Probably worth finding out if that will be the same for 2024. You can look at the trends for admission factors based on their common data set IR | Common Data Set. It was interesting to see how things have changed over the last few years.

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I think once they became part of the common app, their numbers skyrocketed. For what is it worth we are OOS and one that graduated and one that is going to Auburn. Both love the school and atmosphere. Our current HS senior was accepted but decided to go somewhere else more due to exact match of major.
The only complaint I would have is that in the 6 or 7 years we have been visiting Auburn, is that is seems the school has grown very fast, almost a bit too fast. Restaurants are always crowded, and campus seems to be bursting at the seems. Every visit we notice more and more new buildings going up. I know you can’t stop growth, but it does detract a bit.

Unfortunately I kind of think you’re (or your kid) is just a number. These schools get thousands of applications. I wonder if they even read essays or letters of recommendations, or if it is just some computer driven model of GPA, test scores and demographics.

I’d say it depends on the school, but in recent years, Auburn definitely only has been looking at GPA and test scores for admission purposes. The application through the website doesn’t even have a spot for essay, rec letters, or even extracurriculars!


My daughter declared intent at Auburn and is registered for Camp War Eagle. I’m not sure how the housing will turn out though because we did not apply for housing back in March because we were waiting for all of the scholarships to be released. She received a spirit of Auburn for $5,000, Ever to Conquer for $5,000 and Dr. Attie Fleming that covers tuition and fees, plus she has the full Pell grant. I wish we had not missed the deadline to apply for a residential learning community, was hoping to do the honors one.

Congrats to your daughter! If she is on the waitlist for housing, they said they have always been able to place everyone who wants a spot. Hopefully now that the deadline has passed, spots will open up.
As for Honors - if she qualified, she should have received an email invitation to apply shortly after her acceptance. The process is a little different that other RLCs. She could always apply for Honors Spring semester.

Thanks! She applied and was accepted to honors college earlier this year, it’s just the application for the honors residential learning community that she missed out on.

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Can anyone here tell me what the housing situation is currently? I know it is extremely competitive. I am wondering if there are people on here who did not find on campus housing, and if so, what you are planning on doing. S24 is applying and we love everything about the school other than the (lack of) housing situation.

I can’t imagine you would have a problem finding housing with all the new, very nice apartments immediately around the campus. I was a nervous parent and made my kid stay in campus housing, but we did not have all the options that are available now. Really, some of the off campus housing is probably closer to his classes than some of the on campus housing.

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The key is to apply early, accept early (pay enrollment fee), and sign up for housing early. If you do that, you will be fine. The people still waiting for housing either applied late, decided late, or waited to sign up for housing.
My daughter was accepted in the first round and she had no issues getting the exact dorm and floor she wanted.