Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

My daughter is still on the waitlist for housing, I am getting very concerned if she will have a place to live. I am not sure if her scholarships are enough to cover off campus housing. She applied and was accepted in the first round, but we didn’t know if she was going there because we were waiting for all scholarship offers to come in to know what school she could afford, so were very late applying for housing. Her scholarships and pell grant should cover tuition, fees, a dorm, and a meal plan but if we have to find something off campus there might not be enough to cover everything.

That sounds really stressful :frowning:

Ugh, can’t believe they are still working on the waitlist at this point.
Off campus can definitely be less expensive than on campus. Selection might be limited at this point, but I have seen subleases in the $500/month range. Will her scholarships/grants not cover off campus housing?

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My son was waitlisted last year and was admitted in July. We found an off campus apartment at oliv with three other freshmen It was fantastic. He loved it and has no regrets for not being in a dorm. I would highly recommend looking for a bed in an off campus apartment. FYI. He didn’t have a car and never felt he needed one.

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For accepted/committed students Fall 2023 the Auburn Alumni Clubs are starting to announce their “freshman send off” gathering dates. Check with your local Auburn Alumni Club to see what they are planning and hosting this Summer.
In Northern CA, it will be held July 22 and is a great way to meet students before leaving out of state.

Sounds like fun! Are there a lot of N. CA kids going to Auburn?!
We are in coastal AL and there are SO many kids from here going, but no word on a send off event yet. :frowning_face:

@Hlauburn, there are some every year especially with such a strong engineering school. What makes Auburn so great is that there is a good mix of in-state and OOS students.

Here’s the Northern California Facebook group: Northern California Auburn Club

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Parent of 2024 here and hoping someone sees this. If your student applied using the common application, rather than the Auburn application, were they able to submit their completed application with just the demographic info filled out? We were told by the admissions officer that Auburn encourages using the Auburn application, because all they look at is test scores and grades and they will not consider an essay, teacher recommendations, or anything else to supplement the application.

S24 is being strongly encouraged by his college counselor to use the common application for all of his schools so everything is together in one place. With Auburn having an incredibly early deadline of September 15 and school only starting September 5, he would really like to just apply as early as possible. The missions officer told him transcripts can be “unofficial“ and he already has a copy of an unofficial transcript. And then test scores. Obviously he will have sent directly from ACT. He’s really struggling with the essay, and since Auburn does not require an essay, I’m hoping on the common app it doesn’t matter and he can still submit his application to Auburn without the other stuff. Is this making sense?

My daughter’s first choice was Auburn and she applied and was accepted EA1. She then completed the common app in order to apply to a few other schools. Her ACT was on the borderline for what Auburn accepted the previous year.

OK thank you. I am nervous as his ACT scores are just on the cusp as well. I am thinking he will maybe be deferred for the first round and then hoping gets accepted.

For 2023, I watched as my daughter who was right at the average ACT and also had a lot of friends below the average ACT. None of them got accepted the round in which they applied, they were all pushed to regular admission (not reevaluated each time) and all were eventually accepted with below AU average ACTs. So, don’t give up, you may have to wait till March. And, AU seems to change how they do it every year so who knows.


We have the same question to ask our counselor this week as they encourage common app as well. I will let you know their input. I can’t remember exactly but I feel like someone in the Liberal Arts Dept told us during our visit that if our son was deferred to Regular Decision they may look at all the “extras” on the application during that decision time. Otherwise it is just numbers during early rounds.

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I am thinking he will submit through Common App early and then if pushed to RD, by that time the essays and other stuff would be available that he could always submit later. I only just realized that you can apply to each school individually through Common App and only include the materials you want, so for Auburn would basically be the demographic info. Then Test scores would come directly from ACT and unofficial transcript would be uploaded separately as well. I was not clear that one can submit different components one by one. Makes a lot more sense now.

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DS23 applied using common app. We later attended an admissions session and they implied they didn’t care which method you used to apply. Unless something has changed they have several EA dates you can submit by. We submitted for a 10/15 deadline and had a decision on 11/9. Because their evaluation is entirely quantitative it allows them to turn around decisions very quickly.

Counselors like the common app because it allows for a single place to submit transcripts, LOR’s and other documents. If you go outside that they have to send one-off stuff around. Not saying it’s unreasonable to expect them to do that. :slight_smile:

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You might can help me with this. My son has an above average SAT but wants to take it one more time on 8/26. Worried about those new scores getting to Auburn by 9/15. Not sure how to go about having scores sent when he of course wants to have his best scores reported, as well as meeting that 9/15 deadline. Any insight? Also a good chance that he will use his two most recent tests combined for a superscore if he is able to increase his verbal a bit.

My son applied just before the September 15th deadline and we received a generic mailer to visit the school but we already visited in June.

Is his current score pretty solid in terms of acceptance? Are you in state or out of state? There is a big advantage to applying early to Auburn, and if you can get in that first round, it makes everything moving forward a lot easier (housing, etc). If you are pretty confident he would be accepted with his current score, I would go ahead and apply and hope the new updated scores get to Auburn in time. They will always evaluate new higher scores for merit up until December, but the sooner, the better.


You really don’t specify an SAT score. Average SAT is apparently 1050. I can’t recall what their SAT score for admission was this past year but it was above that. For admission purposes only you need to be in their SAT and GPA ranges and if so, admitted. The higher the SAT score can qualify for merit scholarships and they publish those thresholds.

Unless there is a timeline pressure to know if Auburn is an acceptance or not i really wouldn’t worry about which of the EA deadlines you submit by.

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