Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

My daughter’s shows the same thing. In bolder navy letters, it says APPLICATION STATUS UPDATE, but to me it just looks like the heading for the information below it (not a clickable link). Something like on the left above her advisor’s picture, it says YOUR ADMISSION COUNSELOR.

My son’s has the same wording. Honestly, I would have thought it was there all along though.

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Same here for new bold ‘status update’ - hoping this means it’s coming soon!!

Do your kids follow @auburnu2027 on Instagram? I says it’s not run by the school but my son just got “followed back” today. There is only 1 post and it says "WE :blue_heart: YOU ALREADY!! and the bio says "WELCOME FUTURE TIGERS! :blue_heart: :orange_heart:. I know I’m reaching, but I’'ll take it!!

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I had an eagle land on my patio today holding a tiger claw in its mouth. Do you think it’s a sign? :upside_down_face: :crossed_fingers:


LOL there are a few of those pages (auburn2027bios, auburnclass.2027, auburnclass_2027…). Not sure who is running them, but they followed me too, so I don’t think it means much. :smiley:

Guessing it won’t be today. Has anyone received admission yet?

No updates here. :cry: Maybe we will hear something tomorrow.

Seems that way. My daughter is out and I don’t have access to her portal. I was waiting and checking here to see if anyone had found out today.

I’m very disappointed in Auburn. They clearly don’t understand that the definition of “the middle of October” is Wednesday, October 12. My D23 wore her Auburn shirt today and now what is she supposed to do? Wash it and wear it again and again? :wink:

Doesn’t look like it’s going to be today. Hopefully tomorrow or Friday!


The admissions tab on CC says “no later than October 15th”, but who knows how accurate that is! In the past, they have also released decisions on the 3rd Wed at 6pm…

Totally get that I’m fixating on this a little too much, but what is usually the first notification that a student gets - does the portal “Current Status” change to something other than “Awaiting Decision”? (She is looking on the computer, not on the phone, for what that’s worth).
And then does an email come?

I know every school is different, but AU sure isn’t quick about decisions! Other Alabama schools have been as short as 5 days up to a couple weeks in our experience. But Auburn is her TOP pick, so the waiting is hard!


Auburn seems pretty quick to us. My son just applied to Florida and that is released next year (last Friday in February):joy:


You’re not alone in fixating. I spent way too long today trying to remember if Auburn is in central or eastern time and what that meant for admissions decisions. (It’s CST. :disguised_face:)

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That’s true! My daughter is considering UF as well and I feel like she would get the letter next year and be like “oh I forgot about this one”! :smiley: :crocodile:

@LaFinalista Yes, CST. I was really hoping it was this afternoon, based on my extensive research :wink: but clearly I was wrong. My next guess is Oct 13 at 4:30 CST!

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Really hoping for tomorrow or Friday at the latest!! Fingers crossed for all of our seniors!


My daughter has also applied to Florida, so this does not seem like a long wait at all. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

As I’ve been patiently waiting, I ended up going down the rabbit hole and found a thread from Fall of 2020. It looks like round 1 applicants didn’t get their letters until Wednesday, 10/21. So maybe I need to tell my daughter not to get her hopes up if we don’t see an update by tomorrow.

From what I can see:
2021- round 1 released on 10/13 at 4:28 pm
2020-round 1 released on 10/21 around 4:55 pm
(Both years were released on a Wednesday)

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Ugh, I guess we should be prepared to wait until possibly next Wednesday.
The first War Eagle Day is Friday Oct 21, so hopefully notifications will go out before that.

Still crossing my fingers for today or tomorrow!