Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes, I really hope we find out by tomorrow too!

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i applied the first day the application was available. i have a 3.6 GPA and my ACT is a 21. what are my chances of being accepted. i heard of a few people last year getting accepted with a 21.

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I’ve heard this first round coming out mid October is generally high stat. In other words, the easy admits. Not sure whether that’s true or not but it makes sense because of the quick turnaround. Are you in-state or out-of-state? I’ve heard last year out of state got a lot more competitive.

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thanks for the response. i’m in state.

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I would agree with VirginiaBelle. You may be deferred to a later round. This first round last year they only looked at GPA and test scores. There may be several other factors with your application that they will need to consider before responding. This was the case with my son, c/o 21. He is now a thriving sophomore at Auburn! Best of luck to you!

I reached out to the Florida AO and she said that decisions will be release in the next few days. My son will be home for the weekend from boarding school and she said he will hear while he is home:) Fingers crossed we all hear good news!!


10/21/20 for class of 2025 (fall 2021 starting date) for my son, as per a prior post.

If you sent a second set of scores after you applied (I.e. scores from Sept tests), double check with them. They didn’t add it to my son’s file. He still got in but was not invited to the Honors Program.

Be patient and expect more disappointments down the line is all I can say (class 2025 parent).

At this point, we are enjoying being excited and positive about this next step in D23’s life.


I agree with LaFinalista - We are all excited about college acceptances for our students. No negativity needed!


With regard to scholarships, is it like Alabama where if you meet the listed stats you’re guaranteed the scholarship amount on their website?

Looks like the presidential scholarship is basically half tuition. Are there other merit based scholarships for out-of-state freshmen, or is that basically it? My child is applying as an engineer, if that makes a difference.

I think it’s “less guaranteed” than Alabama, if that makes sense. The tiers (ACT scores) seem to be pretty accurate, but for example, last year, they completely eliminated the bottom two tiers for OOS students because they basically ran out of money. Actually it looks like this year, they did away with those levels altogether, but I think last year was a shock to some people who expected to get something and ended up with nothing.

(Edited to correct) Presidential covers about 1/2 of OOS tuition. Of course then you have housing, food, fees etc. Once accepted, you can submit an application through AUSOM for some departmental and general scholarships, but from what I understand, they’re usually small amounts and not awarded to many. You’d probably be better off looking for outside scholarships to “close the gap” between merit and COA.


I agree with HIauburn. Also, from what I have read (if you qualify for merit) the sooner you get accepted, the better chance you have at getting awarded a merit scholarship. I saw someone say merit money ran out in January for last years applicants.


My son applied by September 15 with all his documentation. I know engineering tends to be more competitive. He should qualify for Presidential with room to spare. I know there were quite a few out-of-state students that were a little shocked last year so taking nothing for granted!

I guess I must have read their website wrong. I thought pricing was by semester, and out of state was close to 16,500 per semester. Thank you!

Any idea when scholarship notifications are made? He also received the presidential scholarship at Alabama and he got notification within two days of his acceptance.

I just looked and out-of-state tuition is listed as 32K plus. The Auburn website says 16 K or so for fall, spring, OR summer. What am I missing?

We are from Georgia with free tuition to Georgia and Georgia Tech which is hard to turn down (I have a child at each)!

Last year, it looks like students began receiving notifications for merit scholarships on 11/15. The website says first year students will be notified by email to their Auburn email account and postal mail to their permanent address. So once accepted, it’s important to check their Auburn email regularly.

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I’m not sure for OOS. For Alabama residents, the tuition is a little over $6,000/ semester or $12,000 for fall and spring.

Oh my gosh, I’m sorry
we are in state, so I really don’t know the OOS numbers, but it does look like about $16000 per semester. And so Pres would cover about half that. You were right
I apologize.
Like Bright Futures in FL, I would really struggle with sending my child out of state in we lived in GA. As much as I love Auburn, when I went there years ago as a GA resident, they allowed you to qualify as an in-state student after a year, so that made a huge difference.

Has he applied to UGA and Tech??

So does anyone think they will release the decisions today
 on a Friday?

I think there is a very good chance. With War Eagle Day next Friday, I feel like posting notifications today makes alot of sense.