Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Thank you for all the merit/ scholarship info! Again, it’s so interesting to me that Bama has a big pile of money that they’ve thrown at my kid and we’re so much less confident that Auburn will even pick up the tip at dinner. (so to speak.) We’re OOS and D23 has been accepted to our (equal) in state flagship as well so … hard decisions might have to be discussed… ONCE AUBURN SENDS OUT THE DANG EMAILS. :rofl:


The fact that Alabama throws money at the kids is SO frustrating! My daughter is taking “early college” classes with them and she met with her advisor the other day, and she basically told her that UA also gives credit for just about everything she’s taking in high school. :woman_facepalming:t3: So not only money, but more credit too.
Auburn just isn’t as generous…maybe they don’t have to be. Yet here we are begging AU to throw us a bone :joy:



Why not?

My son has received 2 electronic admission notifications on a Saturday. Not sure why they would have to avoid a Friday

My daughter did apply test optional and did get an invite for WED. She completed her application 9/12.


Is anyone’s student having a hard time logging into the portal? It is saying my daughter’s password isn’t right (even though it is) and she reset it, got in, but now it won’t let her in again. :thinking:

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no problems here. my daughter just tried but still says “awaiting decision”

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He has. Georgia Tech I think is his first choice. He should get into Georgia early if I had to guess because his stats are above the 75th percentile of the early admits last year. Essays are good and he is very involved at school. Their engineering program is newer. They are ABET certified and get a lot of kids who want to go to Georgia Tech to be engineers but don’t get in and other kids who do get into Georgia Tech but don’t like it (Athens is a lot of fun :wink:). Unfortunately, Georgia Tech is a crapshoot for even super qualified kids. I think he’ll get into Georgia Tech but it’s certainly not a guarantee, even though he’s at the top of his class. I know that sounds crazy since he’s very qualified and in-state but it is really a crapshoot over there for boys.

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Decisions are out! Waiting for my son to open

Are you going to one of the War Eagle Days? My daughter and I are going on 10/28…looking forward to getting more information about “what’s next”.

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My daughter was accepted!! :partying_face:

(Letter came through on the portal…no email yet!)


Daughter accepted! Got an email and update on status portal. War eagle!

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My son was accepted!!! We are so excited!!!

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My daughter was accepted!! So happy for her!


My son is a Freshman at Auburn in the Exploratory major. It has been fantastic and definitely not wasting credits.

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Did anyone see anything about financial aid/scholarships? If so, where?

Son accepted!!! So happy for him!!!


Son accepted too! :raised_hands:. We are attending a Very Impressive Tiger day in November. Hoping for information about honors college soon. Congrats to those admitted!

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If you haven’t already can you post stats when you’re Accepted or deferred thanks

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