Auburn University Early Action for Fall 2024 Admission

My daughter got the text

I wonder if it is only the kids who put in their common app they allowed Auburn to contact them via their phone number? My daughter did put that in the common app and got the text. We are OOS too, not sure if that was a factor?


We applied directly as suggested by our Recruiter. Did the same 2 years ago as well.

This could def be the reason behind why some have received and some have not. We also did common app for Auburn as it is not our top 2. Top 2 colleges we did directly through their portals to ensure we were not missing any of the optional items or anything.

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Weighted 4.0
Unweighted 3.86
No class rank
Varsity and JV Athlete/Manager, 75+ Community Service Hours, 10+ Clubs, NHS, NAHS, State Scholar, STEM State Scholar, Junior Writer, etc.
Pre-Dental/Biology Major


S24 applied directly through the AU website 8/23. Our recruiter told us they only consider Test scores and GPA and will not consider anything else in the process. Hoping for good news 10/15, but won’t be shocked if he gets deferred to a later round. He has good test scores and nice GPA but definitely not a top of the list student. :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

applied two weeks ago, haven’t heard anything.
3.82 UW / 4.13 W
1440 SAT

I don’t recall much in the way of deferrals last year but you could look at the '23 EA thread to validate. I can confirm last year (and their admissions spiel) that part of the reason they can turn around a decision in 2-4 weeks is that it’s basically GPA and SAT/ACT score driven. If you hit the threshold for admission, you’re in - if you don’t you’re not. LoR’s, Essays, extra-curricular, anything else completely irrelevant.

I don’t remember the exact thresholds from last year but it was something in the mid 3’s (3.6?) UW GPA and low 1200’s for SAT.

Ok so how do they look at your app if you are TO then? Since you are not providing a score would they only look at your GPA or would they be forced to look at your essay, ECs, ect?

if you are TO they would just look at the GPA. They will not look at anything else

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What they conveyed in the admissions session was that if you apply TO they only look at your GPA “but we give a much more discerning look at it”.

Good to know! If this is the case it wouldnt be awful for us. My D24 is 4.0 uw and 4.2 w so might be to our advantage that we did TO after all. My D24 does not test well.


Usually the first round of decisions goes out mid October.

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Do notifications go to the portal or is it in an email?

Last year there was an email.

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My daughter received the same text

As a parent that went through this with their DS23 last year. Generally speaking college’s don’t really care about making something “even harder” on the students. They’re trying to drum up excitement within the kids that applied so that those that do get accepted already feel like they’re part of a “group” and maybe it boosts their yield percentage a little.

This is “portal astrology” - trying to ascertain from the communications and/or website which pool the kid might be in prior to acceptances/rejections actually going out. If Auburn is consistent with the last couple of years the kids that applied for the 9/15 EA will get an email either 9/6 or 9/13 (they want to get those notices out before they need to start review of the next set).

You mean 10/6 or 10/13?

That should teach me not to post before the second cup of coffee. Yes - 10/6 or 10/13. :slight_smile:


Eagerly awaiting decisions. Common Application submitted early September. Expecting to hear early to mid October )but always hopeful for earlier).
Daughter received invite by text to interested student chat…

D 2024
OOS (Massachusetts)
3.94 UW / 4.13 W
Test Optional
3 AP classes, 5 Honors classes
International Studies Intended Major
National Honor Society Member
National Spanish Honors Society Member
Member of Board of Directors for Best Buddies Club Chapter at High School
Co-Founder of a solving Club focused on solving food insecurity at High School
Senior Camp Counselor at local summer camp (paid)
Approximately 200 hours of local community service
Multiple club memberships