Our son is looking for a portfolio-building program for film this summer. He is very talented and just had a festival win for one of his films, but had some setbacks with sports injuries, etc., that affected his grades, so looking for a non-competitive, but good program to help him make more content as he has just started to focus on this now that grades are improving across the board. Need to stay under $5k and want him to stay in a dorm for pre-college experience.
Have researched Columbia College Chicago, (and he is interested in this one for college), University of North Carolina School of the Arts, SCAD and Chapman. Would love him to go to Chapman’s program since they produce 3 films in two weeks, but afraid he wouldn’t get in as he is not quite a 3.0 GPA at the moment, and they don’t let you know until April, so he would miss other opportunities as I hear the others sell out by Feb/March. Chapman also requires a creative resume and he would not have much to put on there at the moment, having been an athlete with little time to focus on this. He is also talented in graphic design but wants to work in the film industry.
Thanks for any advice on the above or knowledge of other affordable, structured programs that are challenging enough but not competitive in terms of getting in.