average gpas for schools...

<p>should students look to a school's average GPA as a "minimum" guideline for applying?</p>

<p>buuump since i made this at 1oclock at night</p>

<p>I’m not really sure what you are getting at, and I suppose it depends where you are applying. If your shooting for HYP, an average gpa won’t cut it. If your trying for your state university, well that also depends on what state you live in. Then again, all of that can go out the window if your a stellar athlete, URM, have amazing test scores, etc. but that is unlikely to all be coupled with a poor gpa. So I guess I’m not sure what you’re asking.</p>

<p>For example, if you go to a highly competitive school, being below average is still (well, most likely) above the average of other high schools around.</p>

<p>Ohh wait, are you talking about the accepted student’s average gpa? If so, no. Someone at a magnet school could get in with a 3.7 while a 4.0 at a large public still might not get in. Also, factors like ECs, test scores, rigor of your classwork etc. have to be factored. But if you are more than .5 off, you might want to rethink applying I suppose.</p>

<p>Sorry about my own confusion.</p>

<p>thanks for your reply :slight_smile: i meant the average gpa of students admitted to a school… like the typical stat you’d find on a collegeboard college profile.</p>