<p>I'm doing a project.. I heard it 1? Does anyone know the number and a link to verify, I can't find it!</p>
<p>[How</a> many high schools are there in America? - Yahoo! Answers](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/question/index?qid=20070816080234AA5K5qt]How”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/question/index?qid=20070816080234AA5K5qt)
and there are 16000 semifinalists, so that’s about right.</p>
<p>Those are just public high schools, however; doesn’t include privates.</p>
<p>It varies depending on the high school. I think the all-around average is a little misleading, at it combines top private schools and underperforming public schools. One is probably about right for the average though.</p>
<p>Many schools have zero. Our public HS has ~5% every year.</p>
<p>btw: I have read on cc that the US has ~30,000 high schools. If true, the average is less than 1.</p>
<p>Only one public high school in my district of 26 high schools had any NMSF, and the one that did have them had 10, one of whom is no longer a student there (and I know this because he’s my spawn). None of the private schools in my district had any NMSFs. </p>
<p>In this case, the “average” number is worthless, as useless a stat as the oft-cited average number of testicles/person in the US: one.</p>