BA, BS, or BS in Journalism degree type?


<p>I will be attending Suffolk University this fall and planning on majoring in Journalism. I just wanted to know the difference between a Bachelo's of Arts, Bachelors of Science and Bachelor's of Science in Journalism? </p>

<p>I should also add that I am doing a double concentration : journalism and Public Relations so which would be better? </p>

<p>Thank you

<p>I always thought that the difference was a BA was for majors in the Arts field/category like writing, singing, journalism, etc. And BS was for science majors like Chemistry, Biology, etc. P.S you put BS twice. :p</p>

<p>So you should get a BA in Journalism. I’m applying for a BA in English but hope to end up in the journalism field. English is a safety bet because then there’s more job opportunities. But I’m also pursuing a minor in journalism. </p>

<p>I just briefly looked at Suffolk’s requirements and the difference is not immediately clear to me. This sounds like a question that could best be answered by someone at the university.</p>