Bachelor’s degree - UC options

What are some good, not too competitive, mid-tier UC’s to get my Bachelor’s degree in Biology or Biomedical Sciences to get into Johns Hopkins School of Medicine?

None. As a California resident you should know that, due to the very high number of very talented, ambitious, hard working Californians and the very little number of places in California med schools, all UCs are super competitive for premeds (like, bloodbath competitive, cornucopia in Hunger games competitive) and the designated UC is Riverside.
(If you’re not a Californian, don’t come to California for pre-med since you’d have to apply outside of California for med school anyway.)
Note that you don’t need to major in biology to apply to med school. There’s currently an oversupply of biology majors so the ROI is the lowest - you’d be better off in biochemistry or philosophy or a foreign language or physics…
Finally, about 75% students never make it through the pre-med gauntlet. If those few, half never get into even one med school. As a pre-med, you don’t really get to choose which med school you go to, you feel lucky you got into one.

what are your qualifications?

You are also competing for top grades with the next tier of health profession majors (dental, pharmacy, optometry and physical/occupational therapy). There are many “weed” out classes in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and first year Calculus. Plus the fact that you might be also competing with students trying to get into a very competitive engineering school. A "C’ in any of these classes will ruin your chances for medical school or the health professional schools. Perhaps, the competition might be a little easier at a lower tier UC.