<p>Ok, so I'm looking to transfer. I'm a freshman and am currently attending a relatively good large public university (if you really want, I'm sure you can find the school by looking through my post history). I thought I did pretty good this quarter. Before final grades were in, I was projecting my GPA to be about 3.925. Then out of no where I get a B in Calc, which is horrible since I took and passed the AP exam in high school; this lowers my GPA to a 3.6. I was looking at T-20 universities, so believe me when I say that I understand how important it is that I get a high GPA. Furthermore, I was looking at business schools. And on top of that, I wanted to make up for an below average high school record. Oh btw, I plan on applying for transfer next year, as in for Junior standing.</p>
<p>But to get to the point. We have 2 midterms in the math class. I missed the first one because my bicycle was stolen when I was 5 miles across town. So I couldn't make it to class in time for the exam. I filed a police report and showed it to my teacher. I thought I would get a chance to make it up, instead he gave me a 0/0, which I didn't think was too bad, it just meant that my final would be roughly 60% of my grade. Well final grades are out and it turns out that he averaged my final and my second midterm to create a score for my first, missed midterm. This resulted in me getting a B. And since he doesn't believe in +'s or -'s, it counts as a flatout 3 for my GPA. </p>
<p>So what do you guys think? Is this something that is acceptable as a reason for a low GPA on the transfer app? Or will it just be something I need to accept and make up? Assume that the GPA I'm shooting for next quarter (4.00) doesn't change based on the answer to this. Which is won't. I'd just like to know.</p>
<p>Are you sure one B in calc will lower your GPA to a 3.6? That would only happen if you’re taking 4 classes. He didn’t make you take the midterm its not like he gave you a 0/100, so I think your case is very weak and might even possibly make you look bad if you try to defend it.</p>
<p>Take vector calc, linear algebra, differential equations, probability and get an A in all four. throw in real analysis or PDEs if you really want to show off your math skills. </p>
<p>lol. i don’t know if you’ll have time for that, but if you do well on a harder class that comes after calc I or II that should be better than any excuse. </p>
<p>still, you should say that due to reasons beyond your control you were unable to take a midterm in that class and therefore you earned a low grade. perhaps you can attach a letter from that professor which states your final exam grade (which is good, right?) just to be extra-safe.</p>
<p>haha, yeah my account was banned by accident last night :P</p>
<p>My adive: Don’t even mention the B in Calc, making excuses for it is so unwarranted and . They’ll also wonder why you just didn’t get an A on the final instead of complaining about the midterm not counting for anything (which is ridiculous to complain about because the professor did a fair thing).</p>
<p>4 classes are the norm at my college, I got 18 credits from 4 classes 1st semester (the classes are 4 credits each, plus a 2 credit Lab) My friend goes to U.chicago, which is on the quarter system, and she only took 3 classes…most of my friends on the semester system take 4 classes per semester, I guess it varies from college to college depending on how many hours a class is. </p>
<p>Anyway I don’t get it - since the first MT didn’t count, your bike story is irrelevant…I mean I know it sucks cause your grade is determined by 2 tests instead of 3, but the prof was pretty nice…don’t make excuses, it’ll make you look bad and emphasize the B even more…do better next time! good luck</p>
<p>Wait, let me get this straight. If you “made a” B average on your first midterm, then wouldn’t that mean that you didn’t do all that well on the 2nd midterm and the final overall? Then you don’t have a case here, since you really didn’t have to take the 1st midterm anyways. You should have studied harder for your two tests.</p>
<p>And also…why are you taking Calc…as a sophomore? Exactly what schools are you looking at?</p>
<p>Third, I would be more worried about your course load than anything. I took 4 classes this quarter term (which is greater than the typical 3 load). If you really want to transfer, you should show it, and be willing to work for it. For a semester system, I’d say 5 is a decent number, and 6 is beginning to show just how serious you are. But 4? That’s about the bare minimum, which is something you don’t want when you’re trying to set yourself apart from the crowd.</p>
<p>Also, Re: stargazerlilies - People at UChicago do also take 4 classes (it’s more common there than at Dartmouth, since people tend to work themselves more over there. Here, people stick with 3).</p>
<p>Well, I don’t go to U.Chicago, I was just saying my friend does and she says 3 is avg for a freshman…and yes, they are all work-a-holics there lol</p>
<p>It’s not that unusual to take Calc as a sophomore, is it? I took pre-calc in 11th grade, but in 12th grade, I couldn’t take Calc as there was only 1 regular Calc class (I didn’t want to go for AP) and it wouldn’t fit in my schedule, so I took AP stats. I can’t take calc my 1st yr of college and have to take it Soph yr…I’m trying to transfer to a T20 school as well btw…will it look bad I didn’t take Calc till soph yr?</p>
<p>Yeah, at my school and most other schools nearby almost all classes are three hours and labs are one, so you take five or six three-hour classes, and maybe one or two labs if you’re doing the sciences. I know Northwestern is on the quarter system and they do four classes, so I assumed it was the norm, but it could just be they’re worth less hours than U Chicago’s, like you said.</p>
<p>About the Calculus thing, I don’t think that it would look bad if you’re not a math or science major. If you are, then maybe, but if not, I just think it seems like you did other requirements first.</p>
<p>I’m a freshman. And I am on the quarter system. And yeah. I definitely wasn’t expecting a resounding cry of sympathy for the B. I just wanted to make sure. And besides, I’m still shooting for a 4.0 for the rest of the of my life so it doesn’t change anything.</p>
I completely agree. Do NOT waste any part of your transfer app essays (or any part of the application, for that matter) apologizing for a B or making excuses for why you received a B. If you continue strong in your upcoming quarters; if you do well in math/business/econ type courses, that B will not have a significant effect on your transfer chances. </p>
<p>Coming across as someone who blames circumstances for your grades would, otoh, be bad for your chances. And you have absolutely nothing to apologize for.</p>
<p>3.6 GPA will be very strong if the rest of your application is also strong.</p>
<p>Build your application around your strengths.</p>