grade question/acceptance rescinding for transfers

<p>What are most college's policy on rescinding acceptances with regards to transfers?</p>

<p>I'm really not sure what is considered a "good" grade in the university world (where the cut-off is, I know an "A" is obviously good, so on and so forth). </p>

<p>In short, I got kind of restless this semester... Last semester I had a 4.0 GPA, but this semester my grades are generously going to turn out to be:</p>

<p>B-, B-, A-, B, A-/B+</p>

<p>Is that performance iffy enough for a college to say, "Sorry"?</p>

<p>What schools are you talking about? Also, email admissions, they can tell you exactly what may happen.</p>

<p>I flat-out failed a calculus class and NYU said it didn’t matter as long as I took math at NYU. My advisor shrugged and said, “Well, **** happens.” But I don’t want to speak for ALL colleges.</p>