bad senior grades...wat would happend

<p>if i m failing calculus BC rit u think GT will withdraw their accpetance offer?</p>

<p>I honestly don’t have a great idea because I don’t know anybody that has gone through this before but I would think that if you get that up to a C, then you would be fine.</p>

<p>I know a guy who literally failed AP english and his admission offer wasn’t rescinded. If it makes you feel any better Tech doesn’t accept BC Calc for Calc II credit.</p>

<p>ok…thats somewhat a good news…i m trying to bring it up, cant believe my teacher is still pushing us so hard b4 graduation…</p>

<p>this teacher is just crazy…last year, calc AB…20 out 24 kids had a C in his class, but only 2 of us got a 4 on the AP exam, and everyone else (including me) got a 5 …</p>