Bama Bound Orientation

I believe that the bama bound orientation is mandatory, and I haven’t signed up for it yet so I can only sign up for the one on August 13 or the one on August 14. The problem is that the Blount move in is scheduled for August 14th at the earliest, since I won’t be an early arrival and I live way OOS so I’m not sure how I can move in and still go to bama bound orientation, unless the orientation is later in the day, but I don’t know when it is exactly.

Can I inquire why you waited so long to sign up?

The Bama Bound agenda can be found here for the one day session.

Looks like an all day event

I would call housing, explain your situation and politely ask to move in on August 13 and then go to the session on August 14. However, I would check to see if that session is already full. Otherwise you will have to go to the Bama Bound on August 13, stay overnight with your parent in an hotel and then move in on August 14. You have left yourself little wiggle room.

Why don’t you sign up for the one on the 13th. No, orientation is not “later in the day”. It starts at around 7:30 am. The one day BB’s are all day. So, get signed up for that one on the 13th.

I live way OOS so I'm not sure how I can move in and still go to bama bound orientation, unless the orientation is later in the day, but I don't know when it is exactly.


Half the class is coming from “way OOS,” so you’re not alone. You’ll have to arrive on Aug 12th, stay overnight somewhere (hotel, VRBO, etc) get to BB on the 13th at 7:30 am, spend all day at BB, then spend the night again at your lodging venue, and then on the 14th, move into Blount.

You’re coming from Minn. Are your parents still not helping you with any costs or will they be able to help you a bit?

Do you have a job this summer?

How are you getting here in August?

Move in is only two months away now! Welcome to The University of Alabama – and Roll Tide! The options listed above sound very reasonable; hopefully one of them will work out well for you.

UA has been known to allow students to move in a day or so early if they have an on campus event such as Bama Bound which requires such. You’d likely have to go to a different residence hall to get your keys and move your stuff in by yourself, but it works. Call UA housing and talk to a full time employee (not the student who picks up the phone) as they have the authority to let you move in earlier.

I hope the OP comes back. From his past posts, it seems that he’s having to do everything by himself, so if he needs some advice/assistance, he needs to let us know so we can advise him better.

in another post, you wrote something that suggests that maybe your family size is growing. If there’s a new baby on the way, then was the baby counted in your FAFSA count? Pregnancies count as “household members” so if there’s a baby on they way, then the baby can be counted…maybe a lower EFC then.

^^^ I agree, it does seem like the OP needs some guidance and he can get plenty of help on this forum. My question was meant to inquire about what is going on, so we could find out what help this student needs. I do hope this poster returns.

Sorry I was at a competition during the weekend. I signed up for a move in time from 1:00PM-2:00PM on the 14th and I’m going to sign up for BB on the 13th. I could have done BB on the 14th and moved in on the 15th, but I hear airplane tickets are cheaper on Wednesdays. I don’t have a job, but I have been doing some online work above minimum wage, but I plan on doing some volunteering. I believe I updated the FAFSA with the baby, but I don’t need the loans as of now.

Sounds like a good plan, any other questions we can answer?

@Fossana Were ANY of your loans Subsidized Loans? If so, you really should take those “just in case”. At least the one for first semester. If you end up not needing it, then don’t take the one for second semester.

Since your other posts suggest that money is going to be very tight, then having funds from a subsidized loan can help out in a pinch.