Orientation and Move-In Questions

Hello. We are looking for some guidance regarding move-in dates and orientation. We are 1100 miles from Tuscaloosa. First, is in-person orientation mandatory? Second, if so, is it important to attend an Honors orientation (she’s in the Honors College) ? Third, does anyone know when the move-in dates are for this fall. I see that classes begin on August 23rd. Our daughter will not be rushing, so when is the most likely time she would move in?

Many thanks for the help!

Yes, orientation is mandatory- that is when they will make their schedules as well. If she is in honors she can go to any session, my dd is honors and I asked this exact question at our honors presentation when we visited campus. There are reps from the honors college at all sessions of Bama Bound. Move in if not rushing will be the weekend before classes start, she will find out her exact move in date and time in June. You may want to book your hotel now since from what I understand, they fill up fast.

The last two express orientation 15th & 16th August I think, fall along with the move-in. You’ll be able to move-in and attend the orientation without having to come twice.

But you can’t have the Honors orientation if you wanna move in on the same day as your orientation.

As already mentioned, orientation is mandatory; attending an honors orientation session is not. Is your daughter planning to do one of the “Honors Actions?” If so, she’ll be able to move in a week earlier than regular move-in even if she’s not going through recruitment.

DS was in Honors but did not do an honors section. This last move in during sophomore year their were kids there for the last orientation. DS remarked he would have preferred if he had done it that way, traveling makes for a long day, either driving or flying. Something to consider if traveling or even the expense of traveling is not something you want to undertake.

Do you think there is a disadvantage in going to a later orientation because certain classes are full? Is the school supposed to hold back a certain number of spots for later orientations?

@Windows16 while I have heard that there is no disadvantage in doing the later sessions- spots are definitely held for the later sessions there is an advantage to going early. If by chance you are not able to get into a class at your earlier session you can go on the system after at each session after yours and check for more openings in classes. I have heard from many parents/kids that that is how they were able to get into the classes that they wanted.

The guy giving the orientation webinar said that class slots are reserved for each orientation separately and equally and that it wouldn’t be a problem.

Reiterating from Post #7: if you go to an early(ier) session, you have subsequent sessions to re-arrange your schedule. If you go to the last orientation, you will have only that session to tweak your schedule. Spots continue to open up, right up through the first few days of classes, so don’t despair if you don’t get what you want 1st try. :wink:

Honors classes are not held back equally for each BB session. honors classes are held back and then released equally for honors BB sessions. That can be an issue if you want to register for honors classes. There may be some honors classes still open during a regular BB session, but new seats will not be released during a regular session.

The advantage of going early is that you have the rest of the summer to tweak your schedule.

@DullesAcheson Will your DD be doing any of the pre-move-in activities like Alabama Action, Outdoor Action, or Blackbelt Experience? If so, then she’ll move in a week earlier. These activities are great ice-breakers for students who won’t know very many people before coming to campus.

If not, then WOW week usually starts the Friday before classes begin…so move in could be that Thursday or Friday