Bama Bound?

<p>Trying to book flights today. There is a non-stop from NYC for $100 more than our local regional airport. I have always said that if a non-stop was $100 or less higher that I would always book it especially after getting stuck with connections for hours or even over night. Particularly here since S is traveling on his own. I don’t mind driving the 30 extra mins if I don’t have to worry about S making his connection. However the return leaves BHM at 2:30 PM.</p>

<p>BB schedule says it is over at noon. Not sure if that is enough time to get to the airport particularly with shuttle schedules and having to check out of dorm. Plus it seems to be the most important part of the two days. </p>

<p>10:15am‐Noon* * COLLEGE & SCHOOL VISIT 2 : Advising and Registration.**</p>

<p>However, I have seen posts where people are done way early. What do we think, risky?</p>

<p>What date is he attending? </p>

<p>My son is planning on going May 16th.</p>

<p>We can give you some tips on how he can be done earlier. ;)</p>

<p>LOL, I’m hoping you can. :slight_smile:
OK, I feel better I can book it. I want to do it before it goes any higher.</p>

<p>I’d personally suggest a later flight with a connection, though a 2:30 PM flight is doable. If he’s 18, delays are less of an issue since he can check into a hotel. If desired, the return flight can be to a different airport. I take it your son will be flying down a day early and spending an extra night in the dorms?</p>

<p>If he’ll be attending the May 31-June 1 BAMA Bound, I’d offer to drive him to the airport on our way back to Huntsville, but I’m not sure how soon my D will be ready to leave. I have a feeling she’s going to want to spend some time at the SUPE Store, so I don’t know if we’ll be leaving in time to get him to the airport in time for the flight.</p>

<p>If you can find a later one, and he’s attending that weekend, we’d be happy to give him a ride to the airport.</p>

<p>If you can book the flight from Huntsville, you may find a much cheaper price. Before spring break, we booked to and from Huntsville to DC. It saved us more than $300.</p>

<p>If he’s going our weekend and a flight to Huntsville works, send me a PM. If he flies in on May 30, we can pick him up, let him hang out with D and boyfriend, spend the night at boyfriend’s house (although I’ll have to check that out with boyfriend’s parents before I can really commit to this), and all drive down together on the 31st. We can drop him off at the Huntsville airport on our way back home on the 1st, as I drive right by it.</p>

<p>It would need to be an evening flight to give us enough time to get back home (about a 2.5 hour drive).</p>

<p>S is going to BB 5 since he graduates late. No he is not 18 yet, that is one reason I would like him to fly a non-stop, although he has flown in T-town via connection once already alone. Delays are an issue in the late afternoon on the east coast due to thunderstorms, another reason to fly non-stop.
Thanks everyone for the offers, unfortunately he can’t go to any of the honors BB. I’m sure he will hit up the Supe stores sometime in the two days.
He is flying in on Sunday afternoon and staying 2 nights in the dorm. I would think there would be some kids around who are coming in early. Are they in Ridgecrest SN? Maybe he can take a pic of his actual room that might be helpful.</p>

<p>From the BB FAQ:
Students staying on-campus during their Bama Bound Orientation session will reside in the Ridgecrest South Residential Community. Located conveniently near the Ferguson Center, students will enjoy an apartment-style overnight experience with up to three other members of the incoming class. Students will enjoy a private bedroom within each Ridgecrest apartment suite. Visit the Ridgecrest South page on the Housing website for more information and visual images of Orientation housing.</p>

<p>ldinct: Your son may not be able to see his actual room, but the rooms do not differ so much that it will make a huge difference. Two years ago, a mom asked that I measure the size of the closet in Lakeside West, as her son would be living there. That’s where they housed Bama Bound kids, too. She had no troubles with the dimensions of the closet in my son’s room.</p>

<p>can’t speak for the shuttle schedule back to BHM, but he can always get a ride with eshuttle and most likely get a shared ride so the cost is reasonable.</p>

<p>In our experience, the noon ending on Day 2 of Bama Bound is definitely not hard and fast. We had done everything, including hunting down a prof. for a schedule override, stopping for another round at Dreamland, and making a drugstore run for Pepto from two days of Dreamland in a row (!), and still hit the airport with a lot of time to kill before our 4pm flight.
The last day of Bama Bound is basically just registering for classes, all the work to figure a schedule is done the day before, and as you may have read on other posts, many continue to tweak their schedule throughout the summer. He can definitely finish before noon.</p>

<p>If he books a shuttle out at noon he’ll hit the airport by 1pm-ish, no hurries no worries…
Hope you can book Southwest, then if you find a different plan you can easily change.</p>

<p>Hmmmm, May 16th Bama Bound is all booked up. Son will be coming for the 5/31-6/1 edition.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids said: “We can give you some tips on how he can be done earlier.”</p>

<p>I would appreciate some tips for completing “Advising and Registration” earlier as I, too, have an early flight.</p>

<p>Are the classes/professors available for the Fall semester already available? Anybody got a link?</p>

<p>Loring: as a parent, you can go to myBama at: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
click on the button for Guest sign in on the lower right, then the tab for guest resources, then the link on the left for class schedule. Once there, use the drop down menu to select Fall 2011. The classes with prof names if known already are there, along with how many seats there are/left in the class (you can click on the hyperlink for each class to drill down to that level.)</p>

<p>Of course, your student can login to myBama and see the same stuff, but it’s nice as a parent to know that you don’t have to hack your kids account ;)</p>

<p>Thanks Rob. That should do the trick.</p>

<p>Is it possible to do Advising and Registration now, then? DS would like to sign up for Professor Mixson’s Honors Western Civ class, as Professor Mixson (who sounds like a great guy) will also be teaching his (DS’s) Freshman Learning Community. :)</p>

<p>A student’s advising and registration is done only during Bama Bound. I would strongly recommend that your student have a preliminary list of what courses he or she may want to take this fall. Bring it along to BB. That will make registration go much more smoothly.</p>

<p>Thanks, momreads! </p>

<p>Well, DS knows he wants to do Honors Western Civ, Latin, and Greek (the latter two at whatever level he tests for)…but everything else is up for grabs. I assume he’ll be doing freshman comp and at least one science or math, per the core curriculum. Which reminds me: He’s already had freshman comp at CC, so we need to have transcripts forwarded, so he can maybe place into Eng 103. He’s had calculus in home school, but it wouldn’t kill him to review / retake at college level. He’s had physics, too, but I don’t think he wants to look at another physics book for as long as he lives, LOL!</p>