BAMA Returns to Hawaii This Week

<p>For the second time in six months, Rick Funk, UA’s recruiter extraordinaire, is returning to the islands to show the locals how great it is up north in Alabama. </p>

<p>After laying the groundwork during his inaugural visit last October, Rick has lined up a reception for committed college counselors from the best high schools on Oahu and has RSVPs in hand from potential students and their families for the student reception tomorrow night. He’ll also be attending college fairs and, I hope, squeezing in a little R&R.</p>

<p>Please send him, and us, a little mojo across the Pacific, y’all.</p>


<p>heck yeah! i would want to recruit in hawaii a couple of times a year if i could, too! maybe more!</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>See you tomorrow night, malanai!</p>

<p>Great news!</p>

<p>to show the locals how great it is up **north **in Alabama.</p>

<p>Isn’t it funny to hear someone refer to Bama as going “north”? :)</p>

<p>malanai – you have been sorely missed! :D</p>

<p>Thanks, LadyDi. Been swamped with affairs of state, as it were. :)</p>

<p>How wonderful. See if you can talk him into putting Arizona on his itinerary next time. ;)</p>

<p>^^^Will do.</p>

<p>Just came back from the reception for college counselors. There was a great turnout and BAMA had three representatives there, including a provost who’s a Stanford and UVA grad. The audience was very impressed and I overheard several of the counselors committing to visit UA as they said aloha to Rick Funk on their way out.</p>


<p>*I overheard several of the counselors committing to visit UA *</p>

<p>Who are these counselors? Are they high school college counselors? </p>

<p>Glad to hear it went so well! :)</p>

<p>^^^Yes, high school college counselors.</p>

<p>Overheard conversation between Rick Funk and an admission rep: “Okay, so I know that I have made four trips to Hawaii in the last year, but here is my choice this time. It’s either do the Hawaii trip or the inner city Brooklyn trip. Hawaii or Brooklyn. Brooklyn or Hawaii. Mmmm, I think I’ll take the Hawaii trip and who is the new rep that we just hired? Oh Yeah, let’s send Joe DeRula to Brooklyn”.</p>

<p>^^^Yeah, tough call, BB.</p>

<p>Well, now there’s a legitimate reason to return to Hawaii. The house was FULL at last night’s Honolulu reception for students and families!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>