Band and week of welcome

<p>So does the band get to participate at all in the week of welcome? Son says band camp ends Tuesday, classes start Wednesday, and they are marching again all day next Saturday. Is it a “Week of Welcome” shutout for them? Just wondering…</p>

<p>Are they req’d to be at camp from sun up til late at night?</p>

<p>From my son’s experience last year, they are pretty much shut out of WOW. My son only had time to attend very few things. But he made up for it at Get on Board Day. Which I know isn’t the same but thats what his schedule permitted.</p>

<p>Mom-to answer your question - they have practice from 8:30am until 9:30pm. By the time they pack up and get back to the dorms it is 10PM. They do get a few hours for lunch and dinner. A very long day.</p>

<p>Wow…live and breathe band!</p>

<p>I guess the same happens to athletes…they don’t get to participate either.</p>

<p>I remember a few years back when I found this board and I was asking folks about the time commitment for band. Everyone responded with 'it takes a lot of time". My son knew this as he marched in high school. Unfortunately band camp takes up all your time. And the commitment through the season is great. You really have to want to do this as there are many things you have to give up. But on the flip side the experiences my son has had are amazing. He also learned very early on about time management. He still managed to join other clubs later in the semester, pledge the engineering fraternity and keep his grades up.</p>

<p>I would like to see him be able to do a variety of things but he is committed to the MDB. I guess its like life, you have to make choices.</p>

<p>You’re right about the band taking LOTS of time, but having amazing experiences. For the 2009 Championship, they got to go to Calif for a few days. This last time, they went to NOLA…I guess for a few days there as well. Last May they went to Italy. Soon they’ll be going to Texas. Probably some other new and exciting things are in the works. </p>

<p>Hokiemom can probably tell about other experiences. </p>

<p>I don’t know if they go to every away game, but if they do, that can be fun as well. I think just getting to go to most/all games is exciting. </p>

<p>(I just wonder how they stand the heat in their uniforms)</p>

<p>From what I can tell, it is worth every hour of commitment for my son. He loves it anyway and was in great fear that he would not make the band as a freshman since they had to cut folks at the beginning of band camp and he is not a music major. He’s just thrilled to be there. I figure the WOW stuff will eventually work out. He will find what he needs to find on campus, and learn quite a bit of time management in the process. I think its all good. I seem to be more worried about it than he is. Go figure…</p>

<p>My D, too, was so excited that she earned a spot as well. In fact, when she called me, she was kind of choked up and at first, I thought she didn’t make it. </p>

<p>She hasn’t had time to do much at all, and hasn’t been getting back to the dorms until after 10, but is loving every minute of it. </p>

<p>This year the whole band is going to the game in Dallas, and D us excited to be able to march in cowboy