Barnard Waitlist 2026

Last year, they started admitting from April 15th. My guess is that they have very few seats to fill this year and will probably wait till after May 1st.


I’ve done the math. Roughly 435 ED applicants were accepted for a class of 700. That’s 62%. Leaving only 265 spots for RD (last year was around 300). They admitted 8% of 12,009 applicants, or around 526 students for RD (last year was around 685). Less than last year because they admitted more ED and expect a higher RD yield. Last year was also abnormal in the fact that they admitted so many waitlists (around 108 accepted the spot) due to the pandemic. To avoid that mistake, they admitted far more ED and a few more RD. With this, I am guessing they are far less likely to have to rely so heavily on their waitlist this year. Last year’s RD yield rate was around 42%. If we assume they return to the average 50% RD yield because people are more confident in the pandemic, then 263 people will accept their spot. Almost exactly the amount needed for a full class, give or take a few for my calculation errors. All of this supports my guess that they will barely use the waitlist, if at all.


Absolutely spot-on!

Did anyone get in this week?

I don’t think so

From what I hear, the last couple of years were anomalous and Barnard is unlikely to go to their waitlist this year.

Might be best to move on, fall in love with current options…

What are you basing this on?

College counselor who’s in touch with admissions


If they go to their waitlist, it will be for far fewer students compared to past two years…

yea, I think if you look at trends before covid, they usually take like 10~ people off the waitlist every year.

So if they take anyone, do you think it would be before or after May 1?

After is more likely.

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Someone got in yesterday.


Omg! congrats to whoever it was! do u know them personally? I’m glad the waitlist is starting to roll!!

Is she local or international?

any info you could let us know would be very appreciated, just trying to figure out whats going on

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So do we think there will be any more acceptances before May 1?

Did she apply for financial aid or no?

She’s local.

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