Barnard Waitlist 2026

No financial aid either

Who was her admissions officer?

I need some aid (like 10k ish) but thats it so is that rlly gonna effect me now?

Looks like the probability of getting hit by lightning is higher than getting off Barnard waitlist at this time.

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don’t give up hope!! let’s all stay positive and manifest :crossed_fingers:t3:


I didn’t finish my financial aid (just submitted my last doc since I was missing something from feb) and I checked once this morning and once this afternoon before I submitted anything and there was a new upload added a few hours after I first checked. I hope its a good sign but I honestly doubt it, think it might be a glitch since their checklist systems are off

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How many letters did everyone send in?

Just one


Did y’all actually send letters or just add an update through the portal?

I’m thinking that maybe because it’s the weekend, admissions officers aren’t working? But I have an email I’d want to send — should I hold off until Monday, or send it tomorrow morning? Do we think the admissions office will be open since people are committing already?

ok so i did send a letter (email) to my AO because for some reason the update form was glitching for me. but i checked it like 20 min later and the form worked again… so i sent the same thing in twice, which is prob not a good idea…

updated through the portal

Letter (email). But no response from AO.

I thought they only wanted updates via the portal, not emails?

Cos has Nothing to update on portal

this is making me so anxious, I hope theres a wave next week fingers crossed


Does anybody know where the girl who got off is from? I think each AO goes through their waitlists individually and at different times based off last year’s WL forum

I think someone said she’s local, so perhaps from the New York area. Her AO would probably be Karen McCleary, Nicole Molina, or Christina Lopez? Who do you all have as AO’s?

It might have just meant domestic, not like local to nyc.