Barnard Waitlist 2026

Ohhh gotcha I def interpreted that wrong :sweat_smile:

my counselor called and they said they are unsure if they are going to use waitlist or not this year still

I mean they should know by tommorow right?

This is so nerve wrecking

Agh I agree, I feel like if we don’t get contacted by this week then the waitlist is definitely closed :disappointed:

I mean they could just be evaluating the waitlist right now cause theres like 1,000 people on it and most probably submitted updates etc. They have to assess holes on the list first too

Stay hopeful. And get excited about your other options - you are all going to make a positive difference no matter where you end up. Because that’s the type of woman that Barnard attracts. Persevere.


I know it’s too early but is anyone thinking of applying spring transfer and what are the chances of admission.

They don’t do spring transfers for freshmen, but I am definitely considering transferring for the fall of 2023.

They don’t guaranty housing for transfers…

they do not. My family actually lives in NYC though, so that can possibly work out for me.

Same for me

i am as well, college decisions were such a mess this year and the place i submitted my SIR is really not my top choice like at all so i would do anything for a transfer tbh bc at this point it really seems like the waitlist isn’t going anywhere…

has anyone else gotten off since the girl from before?

Anyone have any idea when the waitlist might start moving? I can’t focus on my AP Exams because of this… LOL! Put me out of my misery!

I love Barnard just as much as the rest of you and just as disappointed/hopeful. But I suggest everyone read my previous post about waitlist likelihood. I’ve committed to my next choice and am focusing on that, but I think it would be wisest for everyone to try their best to move on for now.


I can’t focus at all either, I’m so anxious!!! I haven’t heard from anyone who got in except the girl you guys mentioned. Everything seems too quiet!

I know!! This is torture… UGH! But I do think we should be looking forward and falling in love wit h the school we committed to you know?

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i think there’s only 10 spots left because 690 committed for a 700 class size

Where did you get 690 from? Just curious!